Letter to the Brethren – January 20, 2011

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Dear Brethren and Friends!

According to man’s calendar, another year has come and gone, and 2010 is not one that too many will look upon with any great affection.

The ongoing problems in Afghanistan and Iraq continue to take young lives, and a large majority of people in both the UK and the USA are suffering financial difficulties, following the well documented economic problems that have beset many nations around the world.

The coalition government that we now have in the UK has the unenviable task of trying to reduce a massive budget deficit, and those who are affected inevitably complain at the measures being taken. Benefit fraud and the “milking” of the system has been endemic for some years. The Daily Telegraph reported, in September of last year, that “Four million households in Britain have no adults in work, official figures show, with the number rising this year to reach a 10-year high.”

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Letter to the Brethren – December 8, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends:

Within a few weeks, this world celebrates Christmas. Paradoxically and perhaps surprisingly to many, it is not only the “Christian” world, which observes this popular festival. Many non-Christian nations observe it too—but this fact is not all that startling when we consider that Christmas is anything else but Christian. Its origins are steeped in paganism, and any objective researcher will have to admit this truth. Many don’t care, though, thinking that it makes no difference whether it’s pagan or Christian, as long as it’s nice, fun-filled, family-oriented and, perhaps, resembling the appearance of “some” warm religious “feelings.”

From a strictly human point of view, this concept might even make sense. After all, what could possibly be wrong with a family gathering; a common meal; a beautifully decorated Christmas tree; colorful lights in the front yard; nice carols; the exchange of gifts; donations to worthy causes of feeding the hungry; the smiling faces of children receiving presents; and even the rare walk or drive to a nearby Church service? One would be well-advised, of course, to overlook rampant alcoholism, brutal crimes and strife at home, and the many “nice” fabricated stories about Santa Claus or the little Christ child, which are told to innocent and believing children… but apart from these accompanying circumstances or “excusable” white lies, what could possibly be wrong with observing a most joyous Christmas season—a time of peace and good will toward man?

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Letter to the Brethren – November 17, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We believe that we are living in what the Bible calls the end of this age, and the signs of our times bring this truth into clearer focus, day-by-day! And for those of you who have either directly or indirectly followed the message we bring, you know that the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God reigns paramount in our activities.

Of our present generation, the apostle Paul was inspired to write a warning for Christians to take to heart:

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

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Letter to the Brethren – October 20, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We have concluded this year’s observances of God’s annual Holy Days. Some among us have experienced their very first attendance of the Feast of Tabernacles, while most have been faithfully keeping all of God’s commanded Feast Days for many years.

The Bible both records God’s revelation and His instructions for His special Feasts. We also find the results that came about when His people walked faithfully before Him and observed these times set aside by God: Hezekiah kept the Passover and turned the people back to God (compare 2 Chronicles 30)—as did Josiah (compare 2 Kings 23); Ezra and Nehemiah taught those returning from captivity in Babylon to keep God’s laws—including the Feast of Tabernacles (compare Nehemiah 8).

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Letter to the Brethren – September 6, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends:

Warm greetings to all of you who are dedicated to supporting the Work of the Eternal God.

You should receive this member letter prior to the annual Feast Days—especially the Feast of Tabernacles which is going to be celebrated and kept where God has placed His name. This year, God led us to select Feast sites in Pismo Beach, California, USA, and also in North Wales, in the United Kingdom.

The Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement picture Christ’s return and the banishment of Satan. It is so very important that these events will happen soon. Just look at all the problems
facing this world today—be it the news about assassinated people in Mexico due to drug cartel wars going on in that country; the flooding in Pakistan; the increasing U.S. debt which is virtually impossible to reduce or eliminate, leading to an inevitable collapse of the U.S. economy in due time; the ongoing real fear of war in the Middle East; terrorist threats; earthquakes; hurricanes and tornadoes; volcanic eruptions; droughts; and other terrible occurrences. The average thinking person has to ask: “What’s wrong with this picture?”

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Letter to the Brethren – July 7, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

It is only a few weeks since the UK general election took place, which initially resulted in a hung parliament from which the first coalition for 65 years was formed. This coalition agreement between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats inevitably necessitated a lot of horse-trading and compromise, and the new Prime Minister David Cameron said that give and take was not a sign of weakness but of a mature approach. Balancing a government that comprised two parties was obviously a tricky and difficult business, but was probably the only way round an impasse that threatened to turn into a crisis, had such an agreement not been reached. Of course, we are not suggesting that the crisis was averted for good and that not even bigger problems are awaiting us.

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Letter to the Brethren – June 15, 2010

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

Why are we here on earth? Why does man exist? Why were you born? Why do you understand the Word of God, if you do, while many don’t—nor do they care? Why did God call you in this day and age to His truth, if He did? Why are you going through trials and suffering, while others seemingly don’t? Why do you need to continue and endure—rather than just giving up?

The list of questions could be endless. And still, they are of tremendous importance. You are not the product of blind time and chance! You are here for a reason. Your life has purpose. It has meaning. It has awesome significance.

God made man—He made you—to become part of His very Family—the Family or Kingdom of God! God is a ruling Family. He wants to share His rule with you, in His very own Family! You were called in this day and age to fulfill your potential of becoming God! What greater purpose could be there for anyone?

It is your potential to inherit the Kingdom of God. Most people have no idea as to what the Kingdom of God really is. It is a mystery to them—as is the entire Bible. They don’t understand that the gospel is good news or glad tidings. It is happy news about the Kingdom of God—and how man can inherit and enter it. The gospel tells you about the nature and essence of God; His plan; the purpose for your existence; and your ultimate future.

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Letter to the Brethren – April 21, 2010

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

We recently observed the annual Passover and the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, picturing, in Old Testament times, the death of the firstborn in Egypt, the physical salvation of the Israelites who had placed the blood of the lamb on the lintels and the door posts of their houses, and the exodus and deliverance of the Israelites from bondage. All of this was symbolic of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our spiritual salvation, and our deliverance today from the captivity of sin. As we abstain each year from physical leaven during the Days of Unleavened Bread, we are reminded of the need to remove spiritual leaven—sin—from our lives. This should be an ongoing process.

In a recent Editorial for our weekly Updates, titled, “Re-Commitment,” I wrote the following:

“Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are a time to examine ourselves and to make an effort to put sin out of our lives. In the Bible, leaven is many times compared with sinful, hypocritical and proud conduct. During the Seven Days of Unleavened Bread, we are reminded of the physical and spiritual applications of sin and righteousness. The physical removal and avoidance of leavening, which we must not neglect, points to the spiritual and symbolical meaning, which is even more important not to neglect.

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Letter to the Brethren – March 15, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In recent weeks we have witnessed earthquakes of a kind and magnitude that ENTIRE NATIONS have suffered decimation on such a scale that it will take years to recover! Jesus Christ warned of disasters like these when He spoke of events that would herald His return: “And there will be GREAT EARTHQUAKES in various places…” (Luke 21:11).

We know that the Word of God speaks of many “signs” of the impending close of this violent age. Foremost among the activities that will be occurring in these last days—known as “the time of the END”—will be the preaching of the same message that Jesus (and His TRUE disciples) preached. However, this time, the impact of the end-time phase of the WORK OF GOD will blanket the earth. Here is what Jesus stated—an irrevocable prophecy that will be fulfilled:

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Letter to the Brethren – January 11, 2010

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

We are living indeed in perilous times. Even the news media is beginning to realize how terrible and dangerous this world has become. When Barack Obama was elected as the “president of change,” many thought that Americans might see a brighter future and that the relationship between the USA and other nations, including Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, might improve. However, it soon became obvious to most that such hope was a pipe dream. Of course, those who understood biblical prophecy knew from the outset that such wishful thinking had no place in God’s agenda.

This world is increasingly confronted with the total lack of true and competent leadership. As man is turning away from God, God has promised that He will be turning away from man. This is exactly what is happening today. This world is getting darker by the hour, and this means that the light of TRUE Christians must be shining ever brighter, lest they be overpowered by the darkness.

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