Letter to the Brethren – January 3, 2007

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

During this past Christmas season and the New Year’s celebrations, I was again struck by the fact of how much this world is in utter confusion and bewilderment. Christmas “messages” on Christ’s birth on December 25 were circulated, even though He was not, and could not possibly have been born in the middle of winter. It was also claimed by many that with His birth, peace had entered the world.

However, we have not seen peace for the last 2,000 years, and Christ Himself said that He did not come to bring peace, but the sword (Matthew 10:34). He did not mean, of course, that His servants should take up literal swords to fight others (compare Matthew 26:52)—but that His true gospel message would divide those who are of God and those who are of this world (Matthew 10:35-36; John 15:18-19).

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Letter to the Brethren – December 14, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We are writing this letter following the death of Edwin Pope, Senior Pastor and President of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States, the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada, and the Global Church of God in Great Britain. Mr. Pope died on December 7, 2006, following complications from a heart attack four weeks earlier.

This traumatic loss has and will continue to leave an impact on all of us. We all recognize that someone such as Edwin Pope, who remained a faithful minister throughout the upheaval of past years, will be greatly missed. Mrs. Joan Pope and we have received many messages from friends and relatives, as well as ministers and members from different Church organizations all over the world, expressing their heartfelt condolences and their recognition of the great loss of such a fine minister as Mr. Pope. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughtfulness and kindness.

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Letter to the Brethren – November 8, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends:

Johanna and I arrived back safely in the U.S. on Sunday night, October 29, after a spiritually uplifting Feast in England and a subsequent visit with our relatives in Germany. During the Feast, we heard inspiring messages, comparing this present evil world with the wonderful world tomorrow, which is soon to be inaugurated by Jesus Christ at His return.

While the current British and German governments struggle to stay in power, the United States has been heavily focused on its political elections. The more one observes the politics of this world in the light of godly instructions and the future, when God’s Kingdom will rule, one understands WHY God’s true Church does not get involved in political campaigns, governmental elections and the endorsement of political candidates.

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Letter to the Brethren – September 7, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

During this month of September, we will begin to observe the third season of God’s Holy Days in this year (Compare Exodus 23:14-17; 34:22-24). For those who love God, this will be a time of great importance and joy; however, for our relatives and friends in the world, the true meaning of what we do is hidden and will, at best, seem a little unusual!

Jesus Christ revealed the greater meaning of Passover when He instituted the practices of foot washing, of breaking bread and of drinking wine—all of which the Church of God is commanded to observe. Regarding this, Paul states: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26).

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Letter to the Brethren – August 15, 2006

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Dear Members and Friends:

In July, the sun shone frequently in the UK, and we experienced the hottest month on record since records were kept in 1689. The World Soccer Cup seemed to grab most people’s attention, and there were a number of other major sporting events. In addition, many were looking forward to their annual holidays or had recently enjoyed some time away. With this backdrop, it can be easy to see why many people can be lulled into a false sense of security with a supposed “feel good” factor. While the news contains daily information on world events, the crisis in the Middle East, for example, can seem so far away. It’s over there and doesn’t affect us, can be the feeling. But we know that the Middle East is to be a focal point in end-time prophecy, and the killing continues as the tiny nation of Israel fights the Hezbollah terrorists who strategically and deliberately position themselves in public areas, so that innocent bystanders are caught up in the mayhem.

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Letter to the Brethren – July 19, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Just as God has said, all will reap what they have sown! This world has written its history in blood; in the painful suffering of both the guilty and the innocent; in the destruction of mighty civilizations; and, now, in a blind rush to its own eventual annihilation. God inspired the prophet, Isaiah, to write: “Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Wasting and destruction are in their paths” (Isaiah 59:7).

We are in a time when we hear of wars and rumors of war—among the very conditions spoken of by Jesus Christ that would begin to signal and then usher in His return to this earth (Compare Matthew 24:6).

Our generation is seeing globalization emerge as a reality. Prophecies in Daniel speak of our day: “‘But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase’” (Daniel 12:4).

As never before, people can travel to places all around the world. In ways not even dreamed of just a few years ago, communication through cell phones and the computer Internet has exploded into our daily lives! An international space station along with hundreds of man-made devices, currently occupy orbits around the earth.

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Letter to the Brethren – June 9, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

I recently watched a video production by the “Living Hope Ministries,” titled, “Called to Be Free.” The broadcast featured numerous present leaders of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), as they gave testimony about their adoption of doctrinal changes after the death of the Church’s late human leader, Herbert W. Armstrong, in 1986. I know personally many of those who speak out on that tape, and even though I am very well aware of the changes, which prompted and forced me, and many others, to leave WCG, I became first angry and then sad when listening to the taped “testimonials” and “confessions.” (To clarify, the Bible does allow for righteous indignation in certain circumstances, compare Ephesians 4:26; 2 Corinthians 7:11; Mark 3:5).

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Letter to the Brethren – May 10, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We are called “the elect.” Take a moment and consider what that means. God has chosen to call us in this lifetime; He has made our salvation possible by sacrificing His Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption; He has resurrected our Savior and given us His Holy Spirit, which is our promise and guarantee of eternal life!

In a world that is devoid of truth and which now faces the stark consequences of its own rebellious ways, we have this reassurance from God through Jesus: “‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened’” (Matthew 24:21-22).

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Letter to the Brethren – April 3, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends;

This past Thursday, March 30, was the first day of the first month of a new year according to Godís reckoning of time. This first month of the year is called Abib or Nisan. In just nine days we will be observing Passover, that being the 14th day of the month of Abib! Of course, the Passover service will begin Tuesday evening, shortly after sunset. Following the day of Passover, at sunset, begin the Days of Unleavened Bread. These are most important days for you and for me; but for most of the world, these days have little or no cognitive meaning! Most have no idea of the significance of these days; and many who seemed to have once understood have lost sight of the true importance God places in these days!

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Letter to the Brethren – February 13, 2006

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

In about eight weeks, baptized members of the Church of God will be taking the Passover which is an annual celebration of the death of Christ. It is a somber reminder of the sacrifice that our Lord and Savior endured on our behalf. Although not a Holy Day in itself, this will be the beginning of the Holy Day season when the first day of Unleavened Bread starts at sunset some twenty four hours later. How blessed we are to have been given the precious knowledge of God’s Master Plan of salvation for all of mankind, as revealed through His Holy Days (Please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”).

As Passover is almost two months away, why am I raising the matter at this particular time? Here is the reason: We are to prepare diligently for each Holy Day season and we are particularly admonished regarding the Passover, to examine ourselves so that we may take it in a worthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:28). When should this self-examination begin?

Members of the Church of God have long recognized that God’s calling is to a life of obedience to His will, and that we are to keep His Commandments. This responsibility must never be taken lightly. It is a full time, twenty four hours a day commitment in a Christian life that must continue for the rest of our lives. We cannot give up part way through our lives, and we must endure to the end (Matthew 24:13); otherwise, we will not make it into the Kingdom of God. In this context I am reminded of that phrase “Quitting lasts forever,” and it must never apply to our calling.

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