In previous articles, we explained that and why the Jewish establishment and the numerous Jewish sects and fractions were at odds with Jesus, when He was here on earth, and that the Jews are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, as they reject Jesus as the Messiah.
In this article, we will point out that nominal or professing Christians are likewise guilty of rejecting the true Jesus of the Bible, albeit for different reasons than the Jews, even though they may not realize this.
This article is a fitting conclusion of our series, as true Christians are spiritual Jews and Israelites (Romans 2:28-29; Romans 9:6-8; Galatians 6:16; John 4:22-24), while nominal Christians are not spiritual Jews in the eyes of God, but rather belong to those “Jews” who are rejecting Jesus (Revelation 2:9; 3:9).
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