Tiny Changes

Life is a series of course corrections and changes. It is the tiniest changes that make the most impact. But the problem is that often times these small changes are the hard ones to see. How can we make sure that the small choices we make daily are making up the large picture that we are striving for?

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Success in Overcoming

Overcoming the sin so prevalent in this world isn’t achieved by simply desiring it. We must continually attune our our efforts so they bring the most fruit. If we wish to be successful we must allow scripture to focus our direction–guided by God’s Holy Spirit.

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Zeal is about building and nurturing enthusiasm for living by God’s Truth. To become zealous and sustain this essential Christian quality is an important goal to work towards. But how can it be done? What are the benefits of being zealous, and what are the consequences if we are not?

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A meal is a common and essential occurrence for everyone, everyday. What does the Bible say about the daily event of eating a meal?

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The Time of the End

The consummation of the ages is prophesied as being an incomparable time of trouble—a period of great tribulation for all those who dwell on the earth! Do you believe the warnings from God which are written throughout the pages of the Bible? Are you preparing to face what is coming?

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Great Pain

This life is full of pain. It is something that has been this way for a long time. But will pain and agony last? What will happen in the Kingdom? Will people feel pain like they do today?

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For Life

When we decided to become baptized and live God’s Way, we made a life-long decision. We counted the cost and chose God over everything else. But in time, our first love and enthusiasm might have diminished. Other priorities might have taken hold of us. Sin might have become less serious in our minds, and ongoing repentance might have been looked at as rather unimportant. How dedicated are we today to hold fast until the end?

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Milk and Honey

What does the Bible refer to when describing the Promised Land as a land flowing with milk and honey?  Is there a connection between the physical meaning as well as a spiritual significance? What does the future hold for this world and for God’s people, the spiritual Israelites?

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Understanding the Work of God

Is there a Work of God today? If so, what is it? Or, has the Work of God ended? Will it ever end? Is there a connection between the Work of God and the creation of man, the building of the tabernacle and the temple, the appearance of Jesus Christ as a Man, the Sabbath and the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God? How can you have a part in the Work of God? The Bible gives us astonishing answers and contradicts common beliefs about the Work of God.

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When You Think You Stand

It is human nature to believe we are performing well at a job even if we’re not doing so well. What can we do to overcome self-deception about how well we are doing as Christians?

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