Inauguration 2017- The Hidden Meaning

There was a lot said during the Inauguration of 2017, including anticipations, goals, blessings and prayers for this nation.  But what does the Bible have to say about the future of this nation? What is prophesied and are we prepared for what is coming?

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The Weightier Matters

In a world that is ripe with self-importance, self-justification and disregard for God, what is our charter? What is it that God really expects from us as true Christians and eventually from the entire world? What truly matters in God’s view?

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Life Is Short!

What does the Bible say about the length of our lives on Earth as human beings? What can we do to make the most of the relatively short time we have been granted to live? By following the instructions we have been given, we can be fulfilled to the utmost!

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Jesus Christ Lives!

Jesus Christ is the most well-known name in the world today, but very few people actually know Him for Who He really is! Even fewer grasp the reality that Jesus Christ lives!

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A Fantasy Religion?

Godly religion isn’t a game! If we truly want to win that imperishable crown then we must be willing to sacrifice everything to obtain it.

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Why Keep the Law?

What are the reasons in the Bible for keeping the law of God today? When we choose the path of being obedient to God’s spiritual law and commandments, the difference that it makes in our lives is astounding!

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Not Because of Our Own Strength

Many try desperately to solve their problems, based on their own strength. This will never work. It is God who must fight for us and strengthen us. But how does that happen, and what mistakes can we still make, even if we recognize our own weakness and our dependency from God?

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Are We Ready?

Did you know that Christ will come back soon? Do you know what to do before Christ comes back? Do you believe that you are ready for the return of Christ? Listen to what Christ tells us.

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Digital Perfection?

It is easy to turn away from Godly objectives, especially when the world is filled with distractions.  Even at an early age, we are conditioned to look away from a Godly path.  Staying true to our calling requires vigilance and a desire to endure.

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The POWER of the Bible!

Many consider the Bible as just another book of religious teachings. The idea that it is or possibly could be the inspired words of God is either rejected or only half-heartedly accepted by most people. There are others who view the Bible for what it is—the TRUTH OF GOD!

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