Are You in a Heavenly Place?

Are you going to heaven when you die? Are Enoch, Elijah and David right now in heaven? Are you already “in heaven”? Are you sitting today in a “heavenly place”? In what way has God blessed us with spiritual blessings in “heavenly places”? How is God’s Church to reveal God’s wisdom to powers in “heavenly places”? How are we to fight wicked spirits in “heavenly places”?

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Fertile Ground?

The true gospel of the Kingdom of God is being preached in all the world as a witness, and responses are sometimes remarkable and encouraging. But how fertile and lasting is the ground on which the seed falls?

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Not of This World

We may have heard the phrase “Not of this World” and seen it branded on clothing and used as decals on car windows and bumpers. But what does this saying mean to the “Christian” world? Are they truly not of this world? The Bible talks about two different categories of people – those who obey God’s commands, and those who don’t. Which category do we, as TRUE Christians, belong to and what sets us apart from all other “Christian” religions who believe that they are “Not of this world?”

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The Servant of the Lord

We often read about servants in the Bible. What does it really take to become a true servant of God? Are there requirements? Are there benefits from being a servant? In the sermon we will look at three specific areas: 1) Actions of true servants 2) Knowledge of servants 3) Responsibilities. These should give us a good idea of what it means to be a Servant of the Lord.

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How Far Do You Want to Go?

This world looks at compromise as a great thing. But how does God view this? How should Christians look at compromise? Are we at times willing to compromise in respect to Church doctrine and practices? Many did compromise in the past, to their own demise. How convinced are we that we must never compromise with God’s Truth?

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Inside Out

Christians are challenged to examine themselves as to whether or not their Christianity is true! This testing will not succeed if it is only superficial. The vital key for us is to have God’s help in the process.

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Stay Close

Our relationship to the Father and Jesus Christ depends on staying close to them—otherwise, we fail!

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Fear and Faith

Fear is a common response to life’s circumstances. It is an emotion that often motivates people to take action. When fear motivates action that leads away from God, faith must replace that fear. By having faith and fearing God we please Him, making worldly fear powerless against us.

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Freedom By Justification

Mankind has sought after freedom in countless ways but most have fallen short of reaching that goal. Freedom is within the grasp of mankind but only when God is leading our pursuit.

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