
Glory describes the state in which God exists. But glorification also describes an action of offering honor and praise. How are these two concepts related? How is this relevant to the future of converted Christians?

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To the Young People

How old are you? Do you think that you are too young to go God’s Way of Life? Think again! Jesus was 12, when He was in the Temple, speaking to the scribes. King Josiah was 8, when he became king, and he was 16, when he began to seek God.  Does God have a plan for you? What is it?


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The Paradox of Generosity

We must, as practicing Christians, be willing to forsake the world in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.  Pleasing God is rooted on having a generous heart and always striving to satisfy His Will above our own.

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Tests, Trials and a Wonderful Future

As church members we will have tests, trials and difficulties.   We will suffer persecution and those considering baptism must count the cost.  Of course, God’s way of life is all worthwhile because we can have peace now and a wonderful future to look forward to!

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Strengthening the Body of Christ

It is within this body that we are called to and are to grow in. We must also strive to care for others in this body, more than ourselves.  So what are we all doing to strengthen this body?

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Restoration will be the focus of the Work of Jesus Christ as He establishes the Kingdom of God on earth. The Bible reveals tremendous details about this future time when peace and the knowledge of God will fill the world.

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Before the Millennium

Events and conditions leading up to the millennium and the return of Christ.

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Appearing Before God

We are appearing before God to celebrate His blessings in our lives. This includes rehearsing the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles—how it started, how it continues and how it will find new relevance in the future.

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