Religion of the House of Judah

After almost 2,000 years of being scattered from their homeland, Jews returned to establish the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. To this day, Jews have maintained their distinctive religious practices, and for some Jews–and even non-Jews–there is an expectancy of something more than historical relevance to justify the modern State of Israel.

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Seeking a Homeland

Even in our physical residence, we are not spiritually at home. Christians are pilgrims and sojourners who are admonished to seek first the ultimate homeland – the Kingdom of God.

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Truth Be Bold

Are we convinced that we know the truth, that the Bible is in fact true? If we know what we read is true, how do we apply it in our lives and do we speak the truth with boldness?  The Bible is filled with many examples of those who spoke the truth with boldness, along with evidence that the Bible is the Truth.

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Brotherly Slaves

The Bible speaks of the people of God as “Servants”. What does it mean to be a servant or a slave to God and to our fellow brethren?  Our actions should convey that we are willing to serve each other.  As we grow, we will learn to serve more.


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It is Satan’s Fault!

Is Satan responsible for all the evil which we may encounter in our lives? Is it his fault when we don’t overcome sin? Of course, Satan has deceived the whole world, and he is the god of this present age. However, Christ came to deliver us from the power of Satan and to bring us to God. The Bible shows us that we can conquer Satan, but we are admonished not to turn away from the truth. Many have done this over the years, because they ignored important facts about Satan’s goal and intention. God declares to us that we will be victorious over Satan, when we draw near to God and stay close to Him. Do you know where you can find these promises in your Bible?

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Flight on the Sabbath?

The Bible teaches that God will protect His church during the great tribulation at a place of safety here on earth. But how are church members to get there? And why did Christ say that we ought to pray that our flight will not occur in winter or on the Sabbath?

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The Time of Trouble!

Prophecies of the Bible reveal many things, but none is more terrifying than what is commonly called, “the great tribulation.” The very existence of life on earth will hang in the balance, but God promises to intervene on behalf of the “elect.” Are you watching and are you ready to face what is coming? Will you be one of those whom God protects? Or are you willing to dismiss and reject the warnings God is giving to mankind?

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God paid the debt of all sin by allowing the sacrifice of His Son.  We must always be aware that we are indebted to God the Father to exemplify the standards Christ left for each of us.

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