I think Therefore I Am—Not Good Enough

This concept was put forth by the philosopher Rene Descartes in 1637, and it basically refers to the act of thinking, or questioning one’s very existence as an indication of one’s existence. Our modern world has taken this to an extreme in many ways, honoring the self and individual thought above all else, including God. In this Sermonette, we will explore various Scriptures that will clarify how we should deal with our thoughts of self and focus as we should—on God.

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The Fruit of Labor

Results require effort. If we want to grow in our Christian calling, we must acknowledge that there are no shortcuts. The life experiences are our opportunities to put ourselves to work so we can learn and develop spiritual fruit.

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Sweet Smelling Aroma

God created us with several senses, one being our sense of smell. What can we do to produce a scent that is pleasant to God which He considers a sweet smelling aroma?

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Can You Forgive God?

A controversial title! God cannot sin, so why this question? And yet…what about our reactions when things don’t go the way we would like? Do we then perhaps question God’s justice, knowledge and power, as some righteous people in the Bible have done? And if we react like this, what will help us to get out of this dilemma?

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The Rise of the Beast—Comments on News and Prophecy, December 2, 2023

Germans lose all confidence in their leadership—arguably the weakest and most incompetent German government since World War II—and the German mass media, such as the mass tabloid Bild, attacks vehemently Germany’s immigration policy. America’s cluelessness, self-deception and past mistakes, and the pope’s “Jewish problem” are blamed for Israel’s dilemma and for Hamas’ joy. How tired are Russians really of the Ukraine war? And are UFOs proof for aliens, angels or demons? What have all these events to do with the rise of the beast and the false prophet?

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Choices and Consequences–Cause and Effect

This message will look at biblical examples of the choices people made, and at the outcome of those choices. Some were good choices with a good outcome, while others were not so good.

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Will There Ever Be Peace?

We hear of “wars and rumors of war,” but we are not hearing of true peace! Is peace actually possible, now?

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Nowhere to Hide

We cannot hide from God. He knows about everything we do. He even knows our most secret thoughts. Do we consider this to be an intrusion on our privacy or do we treat it with honor, knowing that He has an intimate relationship with us?

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Answering Criticism of God

This sermon looks at the nonsense of evolution, atheism, proof that God must exist, the Bible being true, an instruction manual for mankind and the question of choice.  We also see that blessings and cursings accrue from our behaviour towards God and fellow man.

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