The Fate of Our Children

How does the life style of parents affect their children? When Adam and Eve sinned, God cut off the world from access to Him and His Way of Life, until Christ returns, but God determined to call some in this day and age to have a special relationship with Him. This includes the children of called-out parents. Whether they may realize it or not, parents have a tremendous influence on their children and grandchildren—in good and bad ways.

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Phylacteries Today

In several Old Testament passages, the command is given to bind the law on one’s hand and between one’s eyes. At the time of Christ, Jews had taken these passages literally and had begun to wear boxes with portions of the law, called tephillin or phylacteries. Some Jews still do this today. But did God ever require this of His followers, and if not, what exactly is the intended meaning?

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Choosing a path or choice that is not of God’s Will is simply rebellion.  We must be careful to not let our own desires and will overshadow the plan God has for each one of us.  A willingness to give up our own worldly pursuits in order to serve God will reward us with eternal life.

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Something To Pray About

4>Dave Harris | December 7, 2013

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Prayer is a rather common thing. All kinds of people in all kinds of religions pray—many do so often and with a zeal that is nothing short of fanatical. However, the Bible reveals that there are conditions regarding God’s willingness to hear our prayers. The fact is that prayer for most people is done in vain futility! Our prayers help define our true relationship with God—how do we measure up?


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Sometimes it doesn’t take much to become discouraged about the obstacles that we face. Yet, we must never think that God has forsaken and left us if we are working in earnest to live an obedient and repentant life. When we finally submit to God’s will, so that we live to fulfill His purpose, we invite providence to work in our lives. What a relief!

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Demons on the Loose

God did not create Satan and demons. And still, they exist! How is this possible? In what way do they influence man? What powers do they have? Could they affect and deceive you? Why is it so dangerous to dabble in the occult? How can we conquer demons?

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Treasure Your Crown!

Jesus warned: “Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” How is this to be understood? Is He saying that if we fail, someone else will take our place?

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When we think about buildings, do we realize that God actually cares about buildings? Just how specific was He about certain buildings in the Bible? What can we learn by studying these buildings? What about what the buildings were made of? And finally how does this tie in to our spiritual lives?

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False Accusations

Are we guilty of wrongly accusing others or of judging prematurely, without having all the facts? Are we guilty of slander, libel or spreading lies? Are we opening ourselves up to demonic influence, as King Saul did, when he became angry with David and misjudged certain situations? If we just look at outward appearance and what is in front of our eyes, rely on hearsay or gossip on the Internet, or listen to false witnesses, we may make false accusations and become guilty of sin.

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An Open Door for Who?

We know that Christ knocks at our door and desires that we hear His voice and heed it.  But how redily are we opening the door to worldy influences?  

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