In this sermon, we are showing you many reasons why Christ will come back very soon. The biblical Feast of Trumpets symbolizes His return and the accompanying circumstances and conditions. Without Christ’s second coming, mankind would have no future, and even converted Christians would be lost.
God’s Holy Convocations
Are Christians still obligated to keep the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days? Did Christ and the early apostles observe those sacred days? Are we enjoined to assemble personally with our brethren during holy convocations? If so, who should appear, and how and where are we to meet?
Phony Addiction
The fear of being without your phone is known as Nomophobia. In this day and age, if we are not careful, we can attach ourselves to trivial insignificant things that will take precedence and priority in our lives. Instead, we should be focused on God and His way of life. This is the only way to live without fears.
The Kingdom of God
Why does the Bible speak of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of the Father, and the kingdom of Christ? Who and what is God? Is Christ God? Was He God before He became a Man? Who is YHWH—the God of the Old Testament? Did the Jews know the Father? What exactly is the kingdom of God? Is God a Family? How can we inherit the kingdom of God? Are converted Christians today already a part of the kingdom and the Family of God?
Death and Life
The one thing that every person who has lived and who will live has in common is the inescapability of life and death. The question of how it works can be theorized, discussed, and debated about by men, but the Bible is very clear in describing the mechanics. Misconceptions abound regarding what happens at the point of death. It is a relief to know that God has designed the process to give everyone a fair chance at succeeding.
One of the greatest facts about God is that He is fair and just in His judgment. Everyone will get a chance to be part of His family; everyone.
Enduring Pain
We all live with physical pain that can interfere with our spiritual focus. Paul was able to use the “thorn” of his physical affliction as a growing experience and actually rejoiced in it. That attitude can help us overcome and reach the spiritual goal we strive to aquire.
Scripture Fulfilled!
For those of us who believe God, we also know that God had always done what He said He would do, and He always will! Human history as revealed through the Word of God–the Bible–offers proof of this. That proof is best illustrated by scripture that has been, and continues to be, fulfilled!
Just Called or also Chosen?
Only very few are called today to salvation, and only they can truly understand God and His Way of Life. Christ did not come to convert the world in this day and age, and neither does the Church of God have that commission. True Christians have been predestined to be called and chosen now. They are not called because of their good works. Why then do we read that many are called, but few are chosen?
What Man Should (Not) Do
The Bible gives us many examples as to how men should and should not act towards their present or future wives. What would you do if you were to find out that your bride had betrayed you? How would you respond if your mate were to ask you to forsake God? How does the Song of Solomon describe the love between husband and wife? Why did God punish Ananias and Sapphira so severely? In what way did Lot, Samson and David sin? Why are we warned not to follow the beast—a man in Europe to arise very soon on the world scene?