
taking the inevitable destruction and defeat we face, and turning it into fuel to keep us
going, living by the truth, we can be faithful to stand up and keep going. When we allow our weaknesses to be filled in by the strength of Jesus Christ, we become immune to the attacks of Satan and become capable of overcoming the world.

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Real Change Through the Holy Spirit

God gives us His Holy Spirit so that we can change and become different persons. We must engage in this process of change on a continuous basis. This sermon gives several points as to how to do this, to guarantee that we will inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

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The Doctrine of the Laying on of Hands

In Hebrews 6, the doctrine of the laying on of hands is described as one of the elementary or foundational teachings of God. Sadly, most people do not understand what this doctrine means, and how it is to be applied. This sermon explains this very important teaching from the pages of your Bible.

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