As You Have Loved Me

What would you say about this Day of Atonement—what is the underlying point and what are we supposed to learn by fasting for twenty-four hours? There are tangible reasons why we should fast, and they all involve building our relationship with the Jesus Christ and the Father.

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The Right Team

We must focus on the real game that rewards with eternal life, not passing pleasures.  The bible is full of examples that can help us build a team of resources to draw upon when we are facing trials.

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Are you discouraged? Do you think about giving up? Or do you feel that you could never fail? Then this sermon is for you. We find out, from the life of Mark, that it is important to go on, with the help of God.

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For thousands of years, people have been going through trials. We have to go through trials so that we can learn to have compassion for others. We need to learn to find joy in trials. Only then can we learn how to be perfect.

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