Your Servant

Jesus Christ said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” but is His statement just a nice platitude that is often quoted but rarely applied?He also said that those who wished to be great should be “your servant.”  Just how these instructions from Christ apply to Christians is a vital key for our lives and our future.

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What Would Be Jesus’ Vote?

“Presidential campaigns never fail to receive enormous media coverage in the United Sates… But what would Jesus Christ do during a U.S. election…? Who would he vote for? Would he register as a Democrat or a Republican?” These words, written by Herbert W. Armstrong prior to 1984, are as relevant for us today as they were then. What would Christ do today, and what should true Christians do?

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The Heart of Man

The nature of the heart of man may be different than we believe it to be. The Bible teaches us that we must be aware of the evil impulses that the heart is prone to. This is very important because the heart in the Bible refers to the inner nature of our character. To overcome the deception and evil that may be in our heart, we need to rely on God to examine and expose our weaknesses. Only by coming to God with a broken heart can we live a life that is pleasing to Him.

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Christ in the Old Testament

Did Moses know Christ? Was he aware of His existence of God and His coming as the Messiah? Jesus said that Moses wrote about Him. In what way? And what about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Isaiah and others? Were they Christians? Actually, what IS a Christian?

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War in the Millennium?

Passages in Ezekiel 38 and 39 describe an invasion of Asiatic hordes in the Middle East. Do these Scriptures address the time prior to or subsequent to Christ’s coming? Are they speaking of the same time as the events in Revelation 20? Who is Gog of the land of Magog? And who are the other nations mentioned in these passages? What will happen when these nations attack Israel?

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My Servant

What do you think of when you hear the word “servant”?  Is it positive, or do you associate it with an archaic caste system?  Do you think only in terms of a slave and slavery?  You might just be surprised when the concept of servant is viewed from a biblical perspective.

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The Colorado Massacre

The mass murder in one of Colorado’s theaters during a midnight showing of the new Batman movie has shocked and bewildered many, and answers for the unthinkable are being sought. Some valid considerations contribute, more or less, to the understanding of the nature of evil deeds, but they do not fully comprehend the problem at hand, nor do they solve it.

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What Does God Say About Circumcision

A recent German court ruling that criminalizes the circumcision of babies and young boys for religious reasons, has caused an outcry of condemnation around the world, but most Germans welcome and approve of the decision. What does the Bible say about circumcision? Is it still binding for Christians today? Is it allowed or prohibited? The answer may surprise you.

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Captivity Reversed

The ninth chapter of the book of Daniel teaches us that Jesus Christ was killed in 31 A.D., after 3 ½  years of His public ministry, which began in 27 A.D. Since it was decreed that He should conduct His public ministry for seven years, He will complete the remaining 3 ½ years here on earth after His return. During that time, He will end the captivity of the enslaved modern descendants of the houses of Israel and Judah; deal with them in the wilderness; and ultimately bring them, together with the resurrected King David, to the Promised Land.

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