The Seventh Trumpet

When the seventh or last trumpet sounds, historic events will take place. Seven angels will pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath; Jesus Christ will return; and the saints will be resurrected and changed to immortality. Will a battle take place at Armageddon? What will happen to the beast and the false prophet and all those who will fight against Jesus Christ? Why are they going to oppose the Son of God in the first place? Will Christ come twice, as some claim? Will the saints ascend with Christ to the third heaven and return with Him later to this earth?

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Why do we experience trials? How are we to cope? It is absolutely necessary to focus on the future and on our reward, while we are being tried and tested. What is that future reward? How is it connected with the unsearchable riches of Christ? What are they?

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Moving Forward

By using the analogy of chess and focusing on the pawn, we can see throughout the Bible how God chose “regular common” individuals to fulfill His purpose.  At first glance, the pawn is considered the weakest piece and it is only able to move forward; however, its significance increases as it reaches the other side of the chessboard, becoming more valuable by reaching it’s full potential.  Just like us, we have a similar goal in life as we move forward, learning from mistakes along the way, so we can ultimately reach our goal to eternal life.

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Our Actions

We all make choices everyday. But how often do we think about how our choices, and consequently our actions, have effect and impact on others and the church? We can either have a good impact or a negative one. Looking at two stories, we will see just how much impact we can have.

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What Will You Do?

The people of God have been forewarned–we  have been instructed in matters that pertain to future events.  Our challenge is that we may begin to drift, to not stay focused on living as Christians and that we might fall asleep in our calling!  Are we really ready for what lies ahead?

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We Are At War

The wars that we have seen historically, and in recent years have been tragic in terms of loss of life, destruction of property and for pitting nation against nation.   But we are engaged in a war that has far greater significance – it affects our eternity!  We are at war.   Let us make sure that – with God’s help – we win this most important war of all.

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40 Years of Manna

During the Israelites 40 years of wandering, God provided food for them; namely manna. This was a miraculous food. It is mentioned numerous times throughout the Bible. So what is the importance for us today?

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Small Things

While God works in wonders, He also works in deliberately small ways. No matter how seemingly insignificant our involvement and affiliations may be, God’s purpose is being worked out with them. The day of small things is not to be despised.

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