The Arrest Trial and Death of Jesus

This message carefully reviews Matthew chapters 26 and 27.   The Passover service, ignored and not understood by the world, commemorates the suffering and death of our Saviour.   This sermon also looks at many illegalities that were necessary in order to achieve a wrongful conviction of an innocent man.


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Hunger for Righteousness

We must hunger for spiritual food that helps us reach the goal of eternal life in the family of God.  We are bombarded by Satan with spiritual food that leads us away from God and it is critical to have a daily hunger for God’s Word.

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Getting Through

This sermon shows that self-will is not a character trait that God approves of but that we are to listen to God, His Word and His faithful ministry for instruction and help.   We have to allow God to “get through” to us.

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Stress and Relief

Every one of us faces stress that can be difficult to endure. Overcoming the world, through endurance brings us relieve. The relief that we will ultimately enjoy will be permanent in God’s Kingdom. What brings relief?

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God Provides

In times of trials and problems, we might not see any answers or solutions, but we must always remember that God has promised to provide for us, when we do our part. Many times, God may intervene in most unexpected ways, and He may perform miracles far beyond our imagination. It is important that we have the absolute faith that God will act for us in His due time.

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A Time To Weep

The Christian life includes times of weeping and mourning. Christ said that we are blessed when we mourn and weep now. It is important to understand why and under what circumstances we will and ought to mourn. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a purpose for weeping and mourning. What is it?

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True Love or Lawlessness

Matt. 24:12 speaks about the lawlessness of the end times. This lawlessness leads to a lack of love. Love is a Godly attribute that can only come through obeying God’s laws and commandments which are put in place for our own good and well being.

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A Good Minister of Jesus Christ

Rejecting the ministry might seem the logical step–it did for some in Corinth who disdained Paul, and it was for Diotrephes who refused to receive the apostle John;likewise, the havoc of our time has caused many to reject the biblically revealed way the Church of God is organized and administered;However, the Bible shows how that one who has been ordained can also be a good minister of Jesus Christ.

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