The Heavenly Signs and the Day of the Lord

Once the Great Tribulation has started, mankind will experience terrible cosmic disturbances, followed by the great and awesome Day of the Lord, which is symbolized by the last or seventh seal. That seal consists of seven trumpets. In this sermon we will discuss the first six of these trumpets.

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That You Bear Much Fruit

The bible clearly instructs that true Christians must bear good fruit.  What is the process to make that come about?  How does the process of producing good fruit contribute to God’s purpose?

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Consequences of Unclean Food

Since Adam and Eve ate forbidden fruit, mankind has continously disobeyed the clear commands of God to not eat unclean food.  The consequences of doing so are far reaching and effect the health and lives of the world today.

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The world is getting worse and worse we can’t trust any man when we are
feeling down or are having a hard time in a trying situation or especially when it
comes to spiritual matters.  There is only one we can truly trust, God. Size:

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Christ spoke of a coming great tribulation of unparalleled proportions. It will be a time of persecution of many of God’s elect, and a time of military defeat of the modern nations of the houses of Israel and Judah. Some of God’s people will be protected at a place of safety, and many will be protected later from God’s wrath to come, during the Day of the Lord. But does this mean that all will escape any persecution? And who will be at the place of safety, and who will not be there? Don’t assume that you know the answer.

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The Covenant with Levi

God’s covenant with Levi is still in force today. Levites will give sacrifices in Jerusalem, and they will be administering duties in the new Temple. But do we know who the Levites are today? How can we be sure?

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Do you understand the biblical purpose for having ministers who preach–both their role and ours?  It is important, absolutely crucial and even imperative that we do recognize the role of preaching in the Church of God!

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The Sin of Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is mentioned in numerous ways in the Bible. How can we recognize this sin? How can we make sure that we are not hypocrites? Also, what is the opposite of hypocritical works?

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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-Part 2

What do the last three horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize? Should true Christians fight in war? Did we realize that there were no Christian soldiers in the early Christian church? What has been the teaching of the true Church of God on this subject throughout its existence?

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