Let There Be Light

There must be no community between light and darkness. We are to become light, and no darkness must be in us.

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Trial and Tribulation

Without question all of us suffer trials in our life–some more than others. This is a review of why we, as Christians, go through various trials and how, through the faith Jesus Christ gives us, we can overcome them.

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Why Are We Here?

A look at events leading up to the return of Christ and the challenges facing us at the beginning of the millennium.

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The Importance of Meditation

The Bible tells us that we ought to meditate, together with Bible study, prayer and occasional fasting. But what exactly is biblical meditation? On what are we to meditate, and what can meditation accomplish in our lives?

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Prepare for Christ's Return

How are we preparing for the return of Christ, which will occur when the seventh or last trumpet sounds? We are told that Christ will come visibly–and soon. We need to watch and pray to be counted worthy–and the Bible tells us much about the proper role of a watchman. We need to become ready, looking forward to the coming of Christ.

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