To the Ephesians, Part 2

In this second installment, we are covering Ephesians 1:9-23, and, in particular, concepts pertaining to “the mystery of God’s Will,” “the dispensation of the fullness of times,” “our inheritance,” “the gospel of your salvation,” “being sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee,” “the purchased possession,” and “the riches of God’s glory.”

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Faith and Doubt

 Faith is a necessity in order to keep God close to us in our lives. As
soon as we begin to doubt His promises, we push away Him from providing
us help. Action proves our faith in God, and demonstrates our
willingness to live His way.

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To the Ephesians

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we learn about the nature of God and His plan for mankind. The letter has been greatly misunderstood by orthodox Christianity.
In this first installment, we are discussing the concepts of “saint,” “heavenly places,” “predestination,” and “redemption,” as well as the difference between “sins” and “trespasses.”

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True Christians are called Ambassadors for a new country. What is this country that we should be representing?  And If we are representing a different country, how should we behave?

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Why the Days of Unleavened Bread?

Why are there SEVEN days of unleavened bread? Why does God say that during this time no leaven is to be eaten, seen or found in all our dwelling place or habitation? Note that the Pharaoh, Egypt and Jericho symbolize sin. How does sin enslave us, and how does God make us free? And is leaven always a symbol for sin?

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As the Sin of Witchcraft

In God’s eyes, disobedience or rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft or divination. King Saul was guilty of both. And it is Satan who works today in the children of disobedience. But God demands obedience of His disciples. He instructs us that we are to obey others in authority over us. What does this all entail?

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