The Strangers That Are Among You

God told ancient Israel to get rid of the groves and high places. They failed to do that as we have today. In the book of Hosea, chapter 7, it states that “Ephraim has mixed herself among the peoples”. The Church of God has long understood that that this refers to Britain and its commonwealth of nations and this sermon looks at how this prophecy is being fulfilled today.

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Electricity and God's Power

The simple things that we need in our lives, like electricity for example, can be taken for granted, but on the contrary, it’s only when we lack electricity that it’s importance is recognized.  There can be an interesting correlation between electricity and the manifestation of God’s power, the Holy Spirit.

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Power, Position and Influence

One of the greatest desires that men and women have is the desire for power, position and influence.   This message looks at good and bad examples and asks each time what the motivation is – is it to serve or be served and what the fruits are.

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But Let A Man Examine Himself…

On March 28, 2010, after sunset, truly converted, baptized and Spirit-begotten members of the Church of God will partake of the Passover. The Apostle Paul admonishes us to examine ourselves so that we can and will eat of the bread and drink of the wine in a worthy manner. How are we to examine our lives, and how are we to recognize whether we live worthy or unworthy of God, our calling or the gospel?

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The Seed

The gift of the Holy Spirit is a seed planted within the lives of God’s called people. To foster the growth of that seed to fulfill its’ potential, we need to be diligent to have the proper attitude, work with it diligently, and acknowledge the responsibility to profit with it. By proving that we can live our lives, growing spiritually with the gift within us, we can rest assured to bear fruit worthy of righteousness.

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What type of fear should we have of God?  Should we even fear Him?  The knowledge of how to properly obey God with the right type of fear can be found here.

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Scandals and Problems in Europe

Germany’s Catholic sexual abuse scandal is widening. Close to 100 priests and members of the laity have been suspected of abuse in recent years. However, the Catholic church has tried to ignore or downplay the abuse. At the same time, the euro is coming under attack, and its very survival is questioned. What does this all mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

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Prepare for Passover

Baptized members of God’s Church are commanded to partake annually of the Passover, but they are cautioned not to do so in an unworthy manner. They must first examine themselves very carefully and in a brutally honest way. This message gives several areas for individual evaluation.

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Honor Your Father and Mother

Why is the commandment to honor our parents so important in God’s eyes? What are the consequences for us and others when we don’t keep this commandment? Would God really utterly destroy this earth if family relationships were not restored at least to some degree?

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