Becoming Worthy

Will you be “counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”?   Could you answer that question for yourself, and are you sure your answer would be correct?
To escape “all these things” is an astonishing opportunity and a privileged offer from God, and to “stand before the Son of Man”, means that we will have made it to eternal life! But how are we counted worthy? Is it by GRACE or by WORKS? If it is by grace, would that mean that works are not necessary? What do you think?
The scriptures show that not all our brethren will be “counted worthy.”  Some will be, some will not. So what is the difference between the two? If it is by GRACE, should that not include everyone?
Listen to this message to see if it includes YOU – I hope it does!

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Seeking the Kingdom of God

We have the opportunity to be among those who prove to be the called, chosen and faithful, and to serve with Jesus Christ as rulers in the great millennial reign of God’s government. In keeping the Feast of Tabernacles, we look forward to this time, and we continue to fulfill the command to “‘seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.'”

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God Will Dwell With Us

It has always been God’s desire to dwell with and in His people. God the Father dwells in heaven for now, but He will dwell on earth. Christ already dwelt on earth in the flesh, and God’s Spirit dwells in us today. We are Christ’s house and belong to Him — we are no longer our own. We are to show man today how it is like when God dwells in us.

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We Are At War With Satan

There is no doubt that as a Christian we are constantly badgered by satanic forces and, in effect, we are at war with Satan.  He uses an array of techniques to frustrate our effort to live up to Godly ways.  What can we do to combat his intrigues?  Our future depends heavily on our response.

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Why Are We Staying in Booths?

Why does God command us today to stay “in booths” for the entire time of the Feast of Tabernacles? What is the symbolic significance of staying in booths? And what is the meaning of “booths” for us today?

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Our Fight With Satan

The Day of Atonement pictures the removal of Satan and reconciliation or “at-one-ment” between God and mankind. Why and how was Satan successful in alienating man from God? What are his tactics and strategies? How can we conquer Satan already now?

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Letter to the Galatians – Part 3

This third installment discussed the 3rd chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. What is the law that was “added” 430 years after God’s promises to Abraham? Why was it added “because of transgressions”? Why does Paul say that we are not justified by works, while James says that we are? What is Judaism or the “Jews’ religion”? And what is the practical difference between our faith in Christ and the faith of Christ living in us?

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The Time of God's Wrath

The “Day of the Lord” is closely related to the Feast of
Trumpets. It is our commission today to warn the world of that soon-coming time
of God’s Wrath. Most won’t listen now–but they may remember later. God promises
those who do hear and act accordingly physical protection during that terrible
time. Let us examine what God says about the seven trumpets which will be blown
during the Day of the Lord.

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A Time to Dream

While the Word of God speaks about the future and very clearly reveals the hope we hold, how does that knowledge factor into our daily living? Is it only the ultimate future that holds promise for us, or can we legitimately plan for and have “dreams” for this present time?

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