
Fellowship involves the sharing of interests, ideals and experiences, and these concepts are clearly mentioned and explained in the Bible. Fellowship involves each one of us, and how we participate is important–even to the point of determining our future in God’s Kingdom!

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Strength and Weakness

Weakness, measured by the standards of this world, makes the strength of God perfect in the life of a Christian. Brains, brawn and all kinds of strengths that we may have, are all from God. God’s chosen people are described as the weak, foolish and base people of the world. Yet to God, these weaknesses are counted as strengths when one turns to Him for strength.

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Letter to the Galatians – Part 2

In this installment, we are presenting an in-depth discussion of the second chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Rather than trying to say that the law of the Ten Commandments was abolished, Paul addresses how we can obtain justification.

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Letter to the Galatians

The letter to the Galatians is one of the most misunderstood letters in the entire New Testament. Orthodox Christianity teaches that Paul wrote his letter to show that the law of the Ten Commandments is no longer in effect. This concept is absolutely false. In this first installment, we are analyzing Paul’s statements in the first chapter of his letter.

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Applying Old Testament Today – Part 2

Applying 7 examples of Old Testament Laws and Teachings Today:  1)Developing a working Farm,  2)Planting orchard seedling trees–tithes and offerings applicable,  3)Cirumcision on the Sabbath,  4)Discovering stolen handgun,  5)Confessing to stolen hand gun,  6)Loaning money to member in need,  7)Loaning money to a member for his business.

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Do we
show partiality in our spiritual development and growth?  Do we favor only
parts of God’s way of life over others?  God has proven His impartiality
towards us by sacrificing His Son so that we might live eternally.  We
must not ignore this great gift through playing favorites with God’s Law, but
must embrace the Law in its entirety.

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Are You Convinced?

Becoming convinced that God’s way is the right way is the beginning step in a Christian’s conversion. In order to attain the goal, conviction must be maintained. There are several ways one can become unconvinced, and several ways one can stay convinced of God’s truth. Understanding what kind of behavior to be on guard against and what to put into active practice is utterly important. This split sermon covers a handful of ideas to help in this endeavor.

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How To Develop Character

God is in the process of creating His character in us. How can we describe righteous character? It is the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong; to choose to do the right and to reject the wrong; and to do the right and refuse to do the wrong. The Bible shows us in depth how this process works.

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