Self Examination

The importance of a thorough self examination prior to the Passover using the ten commandments as the criteria to do so.

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Willing to Yield

In the spirit of God’s command that we first examine
ourselves before participating in the Passover service, we need to learn to willingly yield to God–something that Jesus
Christ did completely!

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Spring Cleaning

Each year before Passover, we are obliged as Christians to examine ourselves so that we can participate in the ceremony in a worthy manner. In order to examine ourselves correctly, we must seek the divine will of God, seeing ourselves through His perspective, rather than our own. Pride is the single greatest trait that stands in the way of doing this correctly. Only when we overcome pride and use the Holy Spirit of God as our guide, can we truly examine ourselves correctly. 

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The Beatitudes – Part 1

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 includes the famous “Beatitudes” that are paramount to the Christian life! They are keys to a successful Christian life.

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It's Easter Time Again

While the world is engaged in Easter celebrations, some Christians are not. WHY would anyone claiming to be a Christian not celebrate the most important festival of the Christian world, purportedly memorializing the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ? Simply put, because the origins of Easter are not Christian at all, and the death and resurrection of Christ did not occur on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

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Only When It Suits Us

This sermon looks at seven basic areas where we can fall into the trap of neglect or apathy, not because of ignorance, but because we have been taught consistently in the Church over the years, these vital principles.  True Christianity is not pick and mix.   It is not about choosing the bits we like and agree with and ignoring the bits that don’t suit us.  Christianity is a package, and we have to embrace the whole package.  It should always be a case of being true to our calling in all areas, at all times, not just when it suits us!

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Greater Works

Jesus promised that His disciples would do the kinds of works He did and even greater ones! Did that actually occur? Will greater works also be done in these prophetic times that the Bible identifies as the last days? 

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Lying – An Everyday Activity

We are surrounded today by lies and liars – emanating from every nook and cranny of society.  We must be careful that we don’t get caught up in this practice that is roundly condemned by God.  Lying is a grievous sin.  For liars, it brings the second death.  Jesus always told the truth.  And that is the way that we should be.

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The Sabbath

The Sabbath was made for man and was instituted by God on creation week as a day of rest and worship to Him.  It is also the only sign  given to true Christians that we are worshipping the one and true God .  No other day has been designated for true Christians to worship God.

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The Books of Psalms

The Psalms have always been a source of inspiration and encouragement for Jews and Christians alike–especially, when facing difficulties and trials. But did you know that the five books or sections of the Psalms are mirroring the five books of Moses, and that there is a prophetic story flow in the collection of Psalms–starting with our life in this present evil world of Satan, and concluding with God’s rule over all of creation?

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