FOT: The Hope of the Resurrection

What are we striving for and working towards? In this message, we will be looking at several examples of faithful servants in the Bible whose hopes were looking towards the future resurrection.

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FOT: Truce

Early in WW1 there was a moment of spontaneous cessation of fighting involving soldiers on both sides. This was not sanctioned by commanders, and this led to disciplinary action.  However, the point was made that the soldiers had found the common bond of the desire for peace with their enemies. God hates war and the pain and suffering that comes along with it. In this Sermonette we will read various scriptures that show us what God commands His people to do concerning war.

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FOT: My List of “No’s in the Kingdom”

The word “no” is often seen as a negative word.   For example, the Ten Commandments have been criticised as being negative because they contain a number of “thou shall not” instructions. This sermon looks briefly at a simple list – things that are prevalent in the world today and have been throughout man’s existence for the last 6,000 years but will no longer be allowed in the Kingdom of God.

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FOT: World Rule Begins

The beginning of the thousand-year reign of the Kingdom of God over the earth will take place in the midst of unparalleled disaster! Biblical prophecies—warnings of global destruction and near extinction of all life will have taken place! And—Jesus Christ will have returned!

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FOT: Generosity

It is a natural response of people to fear loss and take measures to prevent giving up what they have worked so hard to obtain. In the act of making an offering, we apply a value system based on standards that are spiritually motivated rather than materially motivated. In so doing, it is a delight to show God our gratitude through give up a portion of what we have.

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FOT: Discipline and Freedom

Discipline is one of the qualities that really makes an impact in one’s life. Without discipline, we will not be able to accomplish being a Christian. When we show discipline in our lives, it leads to true freedom!

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FOT Opening Night: Entering God’s Rest

How can we make sure that we will enter God’s rest, and what is it that we must avoid? Can we have God’s rest today? What connection is there between God’s eternal rest, the Feast of Tabernacles and the weekly Sabbath? Why was Israel prevented from entering the physical rest of the Promised Land, and what lessons are we to draw from that? Why is it significant for us that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived in tents? What does it mean to be pilgrims and sojourners on earth?

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The Day of Atonement is an annual holy day that focuses on our reconciliation with God. It reminds us of how important it is to draw close to God, becoming more closely aligned with His will. How can we use the Day of Atonement as God intended it?

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Give to the Future

Our offerings make it possible to give others an opportunity for salvation while helping to build and sustain the work of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

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The Way of God

The Bible recounts the stories of men and women who have chosen to follow the way of God and of those who didn’t. My focus will be on those who chose life.

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