
Giving is an essential part to who we are Christians. If we do not ever give, then we are not developing the character of God. And if we are not developing the character of God, we will not be called “blessed”.

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The Nazirite vow, still used during the early church, is no longer applicable to us because a temple no longer exists.  But do the tenets required of that vow still have meaning for us today? 

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The Book of Esther

More manuscript copies of the book of Esther exist than any other book of the Old Testament.  God, in the book of Esther, in lieu of impending genocide of the Jews, using Esther and Mordecai, gives the Jews one of their rare triumphs over their enemies.   In 7-points we’ll look at:  1)Background  2)Haman  3)Mordecai  4)Ahasuerus  5)Esther  6)Esther–later years  7)12-Lessons

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The Other Sheep

The story of the role of the Gentiles in God’s plan of salvation is depicted in the Holy Days. Specifically, in the Feast of Pentecost, we see the unfolding of steps that are leading to the time when all will be taught God’s Way of living.

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Self control is a virtue that is critical in our goal of overcoming this world. Without it, many of the more weighty attributes of our character simply cannot be mastered. In order to achieve self-control, the best method is to analyze the stumbling blocks we may have, and work to remove them. By doing so, we judge ourselves first, so that we may not be judged when the time of the end comes, and inherit the promise of eternal life. 

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Don't Take God For Granted

Things that we have been taking for granted in this life have been depleting and soaring in price, whether it’s food prices, gasoline, and cost of living.   During these difficult times, we need to stay strong and look to God for intervention, thank Him for what we do have and the blessings He does give us.  We should never take Him for granted on what He promises us when we do these things.

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Are We Preparing?

What are we doing to prepare for Christ’s Return?  He will come back as a thief in the night to many in this world.  Christians should already be planning for that soon coming day.  Getting ready for it doesn’t begin sometime in our future, but today!

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Samuel and the Witch of Endor

When Saul was in desperate trouble he sought a medium – the witch at En Dor – to raise Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28).   So desperate did he see his own situation that he wanted to consult a medium – those who practiced this art he had banished from the land.   Was this Samuel or a demon, an evil spirit, impersonating Samuel?   The answer is clear when the Scriptures are put together.


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Envy – A Deadly Poison

Why is envy so bad in the eyes of God? Why does God command us never to be envious of anyone or anything? What, exactly, is envy? How is it different from jealousy? Learn how many Biblical personalities suffered, at times, from the poison of envy. Find out why envy is called a “demonic wisdom.” And learn how you can conquer envy in your life.
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