Forever and Ever

The Bible very clearly reveals that mankind is being offered a place in the Family of God in the new heavens and the new earth. Along with this opportunity comes great accountability, and what we are doing now will have a decisive impact on our role in that future time!

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Better Ways of Doing Things – Part 2

A further seven areas are given on this matter of Better Ways of Doing Things which will happen in the World Tomorrow.   These are respect for God’s Name, true religion will be worldwide, the family, health, behaviour, one pure language and the use of technology.   All of these will greatly benefit all of mankind.

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Hearing God

With careful hearing, we learn to fear God. We’ll look at 12-points in our hearing God:  1) Why  2) How  3) When and where  4) Written hearing  5) God gives understanding  6) Who God hears  7) Don’t close ears  8) Good hearing  9 Bad hearing  10) Humorous  11) Does God need a hearing aid?  12) Inspiring examples of hearing.

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The Millennium

A look at what leads up to the millennium and also the conditions and challenges during the millennium.

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Better Ways of Doing Things – Part 1

Three areas where things will be done better during the millenium are discussed.   The appointment of perfect leaders unlike flawed individuals who exercise power today.   Also, a new way of thinking where those alive will have perfect rulers to guide them and without the malevolent influence of Satan.   And thirdly. in the area of building and housing where property will not be to make massive profits for those involved – but to benefit all of mankind.   Beautiful towns and cities with all the amenities – no more slums; no more inner city areas wracked with crime, drug abuse, violence and no-go areas and no more racketeering and double dealing.   Better ways of doing things.

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Does God Want Me To Prosper?

Have you ever wondered if God wants you to prosper? Some believe there is virtue in being poor. Others believe there is virtue in much wealth. What does the Bible teach? The following message may surprise you!

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How dedicated are we in our physical and spiritual lives?  The Bible shows us just how important it is for us to be dedicated to God’s law and His plan for us.  If we are indeed truly dedicated, we will be rewarded for it.

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