In the Beginning – Part 3

When God created a physical garden for man–the Garden of
Eden or Paradise–, He made special trees and placed them in the midst of the
garden. These trees had special symbolic meaning. They were called the Tree of
Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. While God allowed man to
eat freely from the Tree of Life, He commanded man not to eat from the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Man disobeyed God, and disaster was the
consequence. What is the symbolic meaning of these two trees, and how do they
affect us today?

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Satan's Continual Attack on Man

Satan, the deceiver of mankind, continues in his practice of using deception to trick mankind into following his ways. Ways which are contrary to God and all that God stands for. Through his deceptive ways, Satan has caused mankind to turn from the laws, the statutes, and the judgments of God to live in total rebellion to God’s Way; and to organize his life such that he appears to be doing good, while he continues to move further from the perfect Way of God.

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Children of Promise

The life of Isaac has important parallels for Christians, because our life, our calling and our future fall along similar lines. Importantly, God’s promise to Abraham that Sarah would bear Isaac centers on the role of faith. The Bible reveals that Christians are, by faith, the true children of promise–just as Isaac is.

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In the Beginning – Part 2

God IS a Family–presently consisting of the Father and
the Son. God the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, created physical,
mortal man, “in His image and according to His likeness,” with the ultimate goal
of enlarging the God Family through man. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and
to reject the gift of His Holy Spirit, which would have made possible the
transformation from mortal to immortal and from human to divine. As a
consequence, God cut man off from Him and His knowledge, except for those
preordained select few whom He would call and draw to His way of life in this
day and age. Those who have received His Holy Spirit are His begotten
children–the sons and daughters of God. They will be born again in the first
resurrection–when they inherit the Kingdom of God as spirit beings and
immortal members of the God Family. But in order to become God, they must
qualify in this life –by keeping God’s commandments, including the Sabbath day,
which God created for man, when He created man. Those who refuse to obey God
will NOT enter His kingdom!

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Satan Wants You

God established the standards whereby He desires
for all men to live their lives. Satan, the enemy of God and man, has for his
main purpose to persuade mankind not to live their lives by God’s standards.
Thus, he has fostered off onto mankind his own ways, whereby he has beguiled man
to live by them. Most of the world has been tricked by these devices of

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A Perfect Example

Knowing what has happened to the Church of God in recent
years–as well as historically, we must be all the more careful to follow the
pattern established for us in God’s Word: we are to finish the work God has
given to us; to overcome the problems that we face; to endure everything through
the love of God. We are to be a perfect example of the faith we hold–as was
Jesus Christ!

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In the Beginning – Part 1

Correctly understood, only the Bible tells us how it all
began; why we live today in a world cut off from God; and what is going to
happen in the future. In order to find the answers to these questions, we must
go back to the very beginning. The first few chapters of the book of Genesis
tell us why we exist, and what is man’s ultimate potential. We are also taught
why man sins and comes short of the glory of God.

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Adherance to Truth Equals Conversion

Christ tells us in John 18:37 that “Everyone who is of the truth
hears My voice.” That statement from the mouth of our Savior implies
that those who hear His voice respond to Christ’s words in a positive
manner.One who does not respond, positively, to Christ’s words is still of this world, which is Satan’s world.Every person called of God has been called to become converted from
the ways of this world to the ways of truth! The key to this conversion
is one’s response to the truths Jesus Christ proclaimed!

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The Gift

God’s greatest challenge is that of creating His own sons and daughters. It is His crowning work! Indeed, nothing is too hard for God, but God is doing difficult things–His work involves disappointment and sacrifice. In fulfilling His great master plan, God is calling some to be firstfruits and He has made available the gift of His Holy Spirit to those He is calling in this age.

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A Most Excellent Gift

One of the requirements of the Christian life – at its very core – is that of love.   The day of Pentecost is a day that commemorates the giving of God’s Holy Spirit at the inception of the New Testament Church.   The Holy Spirit has given us the unique knowledge and understanding of God’s way of life.   With this vital and tremendous help, we can love God, our families, fellow church members and all other human beings.

Love of God – and fellow man – is a requirement of every true Christian and is – a most excellent gift.

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