A Question of Balance

One of the greatest problems that people in general have, is that of balance which is not being extreme in any way. There are three ditches that we can fall into – that of being a Pharisee or nitpicker, that of being a liberal, and that of being a critic. None of these three areas will do us any good at all in our Christian lives. God has given human beings various abilities and powers but all too often we can, and do, neglect or abuse these attributes. But with the help of God’s Holy Spirit, we can use the abilities that we have been given, in a right way ensuring that we don’t fall into these various ditches.

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Gentleness is one characteristic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which was so evident in the life of our senior pastor, Edwin Pope. Gentleness is a character trait, which all of us must emulate.

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Be Steadfast – Or Else!

Steadfast is defined by one dictionary as: firmly fixed in place; immovable; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination or adherence.   These are the qualities that are a must for all true Christians.   There are many things that can threaten our steadfastness.  We have tests and trials – something that we are promised – and some may give up or compromise; a spouse dies and the one left can be so upset that they can drift away; the local group dissolves as members die, move away or stop attending so that the group is longer viable; there is no group or church locally; members can move from one part of the country to another due to their job or family – and to an area that has no Sabbath services.   Excuses can be made about attendance where there is a group.   These are just some of the dangers that can threaten our steadfastness.   And being steadfast to the truth is an essential requirement in making it into God’s Kingdom.   It is just that serious.

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The Church of God – A Great Mystery

The Church of God is a mystery to most people. Very few
understand the purpose for its existence, and what–if anything–the Church is
supposed to do today. Many don’t even know what the Church is. They
may think it is a building or a legal entity. Others believe that
they don’t need the Church to be saved. Most don’t even understand who leads the
Church of God, and how they can become members of the Church.

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Those Who Believe

To believe is to accept as true or real. That isn’t always so easy, and it has proven difficult for mankind to believe God. Christians are called upon to believe the gospel in order to attain salvation. Additionally, we need to test ourselves and examine what we believe in light of God’s Word.

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Prepare Yourself

When the time comes, will we be prepared for an evacuation? God gave specific commands to certain individuals in the Bible to prepare for an evacuation. They had to obey and do exactly what God instructed, in order to be saved. Will we be ready in that day when Christ comes back and will we be strong enough spiritually to handle what is prophecied in the Bible?

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Successful Lasting Marriages

During a marriage ceremony, bride and bridegroom promise to love each other until death. But far too many married couples don’t really believe that their marriage will last until the remainder of their natural lives, anticipating or even expecting that it will end in divorce. However, marriages are meant to endure, and to be happy and successful. It takes continued effort on both parts, but it can be done!
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Who Is My Neighbor?

What relationship do Christians have with other people–including those who are strangers. Jesus Christ instructed us that we should love even our enemies, and in the timeless example of the Samaritan becoming neighbor to one in need, we are taught how to treat others.

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Psalm 15 Expounded

Next to Psalm 23, this Psalm 15 is the second most popular Psalm.  7-Points:  1)Read the 5-verses of Psalm 15,   2)Look at 12-titles+descriptions of Psalm 15,   3)Look at Psalm 15’s 10-qualifications,   4)Look at Parallel#1–Psalm24,   5)Parallel#2–Isaiah33,   6)Parallel#3–Sermon on the Mount by Jesus Christ,   +7)Expound each of the 14-phrases, within the 5-verses.

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