Perfect Love

The Bible speaks of love in many ways–it even mentions “perfect love” and of us being “made perfect in love.”
However, Jesus warned that the love of many will grow cold among those living at the close of this age. This sermon considers the perfect love we should have toward our Father and Jesus Christ; toward our brethren; toward our neighbors in this world; and, the love we are to have for ourselves.

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The Key to Faithfulness

Those who will enter the Kingdom of God will have been “Called, Chosen, and Faithful.” Yet many people who are Called of God fail in their Calling because they overlook one of the most critical “Keys” to remaining faithful to God’s Way! This vital “Key” is found in numerous scriptures throughout the Bible. The Bible reveals examples of many faithful who utilized this vital “Key” in their lives, as well as others who failed because they ignored this vital “Key.” This Sermon examines a number of these very significant examples.
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A negative reaction to correction is indicative of a wrong attitude. With wrong attitudes, serious problems are guaranteed to occur in our lives. We must avoid to develop an attitude of anger, resentment and hostility. Otherwise, we will begin to hate those who are righteous, and numerous grievous sins will follow. When people leave God and His Church, it is always because of attitude problems–and in most cases, because of a rejection of godly authority. The choice is ours–but the prize which God offers us is too valuable to loose just because of a bad attitude.

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The Bride

We are among the first of those who have been called into the Church of God–to be the bride of Jesus Christ–to become helpers “comparable to[H]im”–to become united in a permanent relationship within the Family of God! The extraordinary future that we are to have with Jesus Christ involves marriage on the spiritual plane, transcending the physical parallel, because this union will last forever!

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Why the Church – Part 2

Jesus Christ established the Church of God while He was on the earth. He was very specific as to the name by which the Church would be identified. A specific message was given to the Church which it was commissioned to carry to the world; a specific gospel it was to preach. Specific laws were established whereby those called to have a part in God’s Church were to live. There is a specific reward those who are faithful in their calling are to receive. Are you faithful in your calling to this Way?

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Abraham Part 2

Abraham will be in God’s Kingdom. He was not without fault, but he grew in faithful obedience, and he became the father of the faithful. We are to be, and we can be, followers of his example. We must never give up. God knows that we can make it; otherwise, He would not have called us for salvation at this time. God is on our side, and He is mightier than anyone and anything else. If we don’t shrink back, but stand up, when we fall, we will be in God’s Kingdom–together with Abraham.
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The Glorious Gospel

The Gospel is absolutely central to the calling we have received from God. However, many people simply don’t understand what the Gospel really is. We who do understand have been entrusted with a job–a great commission–to boldly proclaim what Jesus Christ taught and what all His faithful servants have and will continue to make known.

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There at the Finish

There can be problems, serious problems when a leader dies or is absent,
apostasy can then follow but we always have to hold on to the truth, and to
remain steadfast to the end.  
Our trust must be in God – not in man.   Scripture clearly reveals that our
arch enemy, Satan the Devil, managed to pull one third of the angels away from
God and he will try and do the same to us.   We have to seriously be on our
guard!   We have to be there at
the finish! 

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Abraham Part 1

When studying the life of Abraham, some assume that everything Abraham did in his life was right and pleasing to God. After all, is he not called the father of the faithful? He certainly is, but that does not mean that he never sinned, or that he had perfect faith throughout his life. Rather, as we will see in this study, Abraham did sin, and his faith was at times lacking and needed to grow.
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The Word of God

The Bible, synonymously called the Word of God, powerfully and unmistakably challenges mankind to hear, to believe and to keep what God says. Furthermore, the unique relationship of Jesus Christ being the Living Word of God is destined to also describe our relationship with the Father.

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