To Be First

Do we desire to be first, to run the race worthy of obtaining the prize?  What is required of us to achieve this?

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The Law of God Makes All the Difference 

If everyone on earth kept just one of God’s Ten Commandments the whole world would be so very much better for doing that and what a difference it would make.   But when Jesus Christ sets up the Kingdom of God on earth, all 10 of the Commandments will be kept and the world will be a completely different place – and so much better for it!   

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The story of Joshua offers us inspiration in times of self-doubt. When Moses transferred leadership over the nation of Israel to him, Joshua faced the biggest challenge of his life. With encouragement and reassurance from God, he was able to lead Israel into the promised land, fulfilling his mission.

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Love Fulfills the Law

Some say, love has abolished the law. But the Bible says that love fulfills the law. When we keep the law, we show thereby that we have love. The last six of the Ten Commandments, which regulate our relationship with our neighbor, show us HOW we can love him. At the same time, when we express love toward our neighbor, we love OURSELVES. Each and every commandment that regulates our relationship with our neighbor falls under the heading, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This sermon shows how we love ourselves when we love our neighbor.

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Integrity is a simple word with a whole of life meaning. This message is describing two individuals, Boaz and Ruth, who lived a life of integrity no matter the cost to them, and, of whom, God had no negative criticism.

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Could You Fall Away From God?

You must not think that it is impossible for you to depart and fall away from God and return to the filth of the world, after you have come to know God and His Truth. The Bible contains many warnings, as well as explanations of why people fall away and how to prevent it. And it also calls for repentance and a change of heart when we are about to fall away.

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When NO Can Be Good

This message looks at the time when the word no can actually be positive, rather than negative.  Applying this approach to certain passages in the Book of Revelation we see that the word “no” can be very exciting.  

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Along With Your Offering

Beyond the offering we give, have you ever considered what goes with it? That is what I want to address in this sermonette.

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Sin of Omission

Sin has a simple definition in that it is the transgression of God’s law. It is easiest to identify sin by the overt actions that transgress laws directly. Yet, sin is also possible through neglect. On the Christian journey to turn away from sin, it is necessary to discover the ways in which we sin through our inaction, and take the initiative to adopt new behavior.

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Status Quo

What is your status quo in your Christian life? Is it OK to remain in a status quo as a Christian or is there more to what we need to be accomplishing? 

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