Participation and Commitment

If you put your hand to the plough don’t turn back. The Egyptians complained and looked back after the exodus. Lot’s wife looked back. What would attract me back? Many participate but how many stay and are committed?

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As God Sees Us

We are going to get new clothes. All things are naked and exposed to God. His wife is making herself ready – arrayed in fine linen. Are we living examples – would people want to emulate me? Be prepared to withstand – stay close to God. Are we deceiving ourselves? Don’t measure ourselves amongst ourselves. Be purified and made white, refined in the fire. Everyday life is the wedding rehearsal.

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God's Peculiar Treasure

The peculiar or special treasure is something that God is looking for, to acquire as a possession. Israel was a special treasure. We may forget God but He doesn’t forget us. There are promises of blessing for obedience.

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Dark Secrets

Nothing is covered that will not be revealed. Some sins are evident and some will be revealed later. All secrets come to light. Everything whispered will be heard aloud. Jesus was a light in this dark world. We must look at ourselves. There is no hiding from God. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch over evil and good.

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We live in a world that has a great deal of intolerance and hatred, and iniquity certainly abounds as Christ said it would. Given this, we need to recognize the emotional pitfalls that can bring us to the breaking point, pitfalls such as: having hurt feelings, being offended, being competitive, feeling jealous, having envy, and being judgmental toward others. How can we avoid these pitfalls? By acquiring the Godly trait of mercy. Learn how in this important message.

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