Cause and Effect

 A number of examples given show that there is always an effect to the actions that are taken.   So many people seem to think that they can do whatever they want to and never think that there may be pay-back time – a time of consequences.   We have to make sure that the actions we take produce good effects.

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FOT Opening Night: Coming Out of This World… Why and How?

The Bible tells us that we must leave this rotten world of Satan behind and that we are instead pilgrims, strangers and ambassadors for Christ. The consequences for us in regard to the evils of this world and what is in it, including selfish desires, its politics, corrupt leaders, false philosophies, terrible wars and deceiving religions are wide-ranging, but many are confused about God’s directives. Likewise, our desire for God’s Kingdom to be restored on earth can be overshadowed and clouded, if we are not careful, by the knowledge of the pain and suffering which the Great Tribulation will bring first. It is vital for our salvation that we have the right understanding in this regard.
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The Not So Impossible Journey

Being the few chosen group of people that God has called out of this world is no easy road to travel as we are faced with challenges that only very few people can endure and overcome, something that can only be achieved with God’s help.

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What Does the Bible Say About Nuclear War?

We often make claims that the Bible prophesies a coming nuclear war. What are the scriptures that support those claims? What hope is there in bringing an end to the utter destruction that will engulf the face of the earth?

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Treasure of the Heart

Jesus Christ tells us that where we place our treasure proves what we set our hearts’ desires upon. When considering the offering we make to God on this day of Atonement, we have an opportunity to exercise our heart in a spiritual sense, by giving back to Him.

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Reconciled to God

As Christians, we observe the Day of Atonement understanding the ultimate meaning, and that is the plan God has established to reconcile mankind to Himself through Jesus Christ.

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Do Simple Better

How we live our lives is the most important part of our lives. We all take on as much as we can, so that we feel productive and useful. In our pursuit, though, we can lose sight of the important things. If we try and do simple better, our lives will be better for it. Let us not lose the proper focus we need.

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The Power of Three

To help us better become perfect and to succeed, we must apply hope, faith and love in our lives.

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The Trumpet Will Sound

Just as the Children of Israel were commanded to appear before God, so on this day, the Feast of Trumpets, we are assembled before God at His command to memorialize and mark the sounding of trumpets. It is important to consider the tremendous meaning of this Day according to what God has revealed to us.

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