What Is Prophesied for the State of Israel?

The Bible shows us what did and will happen to the nation and the state of Israel, including before and during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord, and after Christ’s Return. This sermon also addresses parallel developments pertaining to the USA and the UK, as well as their and Judah’s enemies. The fall of the state of Israel and its defeat in war are prophesied, but so are also its rise from destruction and freedom from captivity. Today’s anti-Semitism will become a thing of the past.

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Don’t Stop Living

Believing that the return of Jesus Christ is near, we are naturally inclined to plan our lives accordingly. The big question is, how should we plan for our future?

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The Power of Support

Support is critical for Christians, for the Church, for the Work of God, and, even for God!

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Europe’s Rise and Fall

We find an amazing end time prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel about the political, economic, military and religious European power bloc, and its sudden demise and fall that will result in its total annihilation and destruction. Who will be the main players in this development; who are the modern Medes; and what is the connection between the prince and the king of Tyre, and the false prophet?

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Quo Vadis—Where Are You Going?

In our relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ, we are moving either towards them, or away from them. Standing still may seem a safe compromise in this world, but it is the essence of being on the fence and presenting an undecided heart to God. The pathway that Jesus accepted to return to the Father was essential to our salvation. Jesus made clear that those who are called could one day follow. This Sermonette we will consider scriptures and examples that can help guide us on our own journey.

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China on the Warpath—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 6, 2022

Was Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban correct with his recent comments about human races? Why are new conditions after COVID shots and Fauci’s misinformation alarming, and why are Germany’s new Corona restrictions so stupid? In what way did Biden’s monumental failure contribute to the terrible situation in Afghanistan; and what did Pelosi’s visit in Taiwan trigger regarding China? Frightening news from China may signal a Chinese military strike on US forces in the region. What would or could the USA do in such a case?

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Why the Book of Ecclesiastes Is Misunderstood

The book of Ecclesiastes has many layers. It describes the lives of people under the sun who are cut off from God. To that extent, life is vain and a grasping for the wind. In addition, when Solomon addresses the reader DIRECTLY, he is not talking about people who have turned away from God and who refuse to submit to God. It is important to see the distinction.

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What Are Our Priorities?

If we don’t put God the Father and Jesus Christ first in our lives, then we are not worthy of them. Nothing is to stop us following the great God after we have been called into His Church but, sometimes, other matters and situations can be distractions from what must be our main goal in life.

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On Belay

Stepping beyond one’s comfort zone by overcoming doubt and fear is absolutely necessary for Christians. That is possible when the Father and Jesus Christ live in our lives.

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The Cover Up

In this age of moral relativism people seek ways of justifying behaviors that just a decade ago were discouraged. Many who claim to be Christian seem to forget the ever-present Creator Father and His requirement for obedience. The world has become skilled at crafting legalistic reasoning to excuse truly horrible actions. Just as Adam and Eve covered themselves when they had sinned, many, including God’s people attempt to cover sinful behaviors with rationalizations. In this Split Sermon we will consider scriptures that tell us how God views these behaviors, false arguments, and the pathway to repentance.

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