Rumors, Fake News and the Truth

All of us are potential victims of fake news, false reports and rumors. We are confronted with them everywhere—including and especially in regard to the teachings of the Bible, but we also find them in the worldly mass media and the propaganda of the lying press.  Why do so many believe rumors and false reports so quickly? And how can we distinguish between what is true and what is false?

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America’s Sexual Confusion and Its Unethical House Committee—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 11, 2022

America is today plagued by sexual confusion; an incredible economic crisis; an incompetent leadership; and unethical proceedings by a sham-and farce committee. In addition, Russia keeps threatening Europe; Europe shows its true colors of conquest towards the USA; and the woman riding the beast is back. Are we prepared for the next major event?

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God’s Spirit of Mercy

In this world, we do not find much mercy. Rather, we see a lack of love; a thirst for revenge; and unmerciful conduct. But God shows us that we must be merciful in order to obtain His mercy. In many cases, self-righteousness prevents people from being merciful, as they may think that they are so much better than others; that they could never do what others have done; and that it is therefore necessary to dig up what has been buried. Such an attitude will never give us inward peace.

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Pentecost: The Right Attitude

What attitude does God have concerning His offering of His Son for us, and with that as an example, what attitude should we have when we bring an offering to God?

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Pentecost: The Gift of God Which Is in You

Christians are given exceedingly great and precious promises to be partakers of the divine nature and to be among the firstfruits of salvation. To that end, God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit. Are we faithful with what God has given to us?

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Mental Stability for the People of God

Mental stability for God’s people is paramount. It is not something that we often talk about but it is very important for us to realize that each of us have issues with staying in a mentally healthy place. When we need it most God is there to help us when we turn to Him and allow Him to help us. He is waiting for us to take the power and the strength that He offers. Even in the midst of fear, anxiety and hard stresses, which we ALL face, there is no place for shame.

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Our Corrupt Political and Legal System—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 4, 2022

To ban or not to ban assault rifles; victory for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania; acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann; military control of Hollywood productions; and the controversial arrest of Peter Navarro—what do all these events have in common? Do they show by example the incredible corruption in our political and legal systems? If so, what is a true Christian supposed to do? Is it too far-fetched to say that our eternal salvation may be at stake?

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Honor To Be Honored

By obeying God and keeping His commandments, we honor Him and in return, He will honor us.  At the same time, we are shown in the Bible how we are to honor others and how we will be honored in return.

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When Satan Messes with You

As unpopular as it is to say, Satan is the ruler in this current age. He never ceases to find our weaknesses and exploit them so that we turn away from God. How can we tell when Satan is attacking us and what can we do to overcome his influence, taunts, and temptations?

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You’re Better Than That!

Sometimes we meet with disapproval by our actions when we make mistakes we shouldn’t have made. In fact, the Word of God challenges us to become better. Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear God’s correction?

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