Our Corrupt Political and Legal System—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 4, 2022

To ban or not to ban assault rifles; victory for Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania; acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann; military control of Hollywood productions; and the controversial arrest of Peter Navarro—what do all these events have in common? Do they show by example the incredible corruption in our political and legal systems? If so, what is a true Christian supposed to do? Is it too far-fetched to say that our eternal salvation may be at stake?

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Honor To Be Honored

By obeying God and keeping His commandments, we honor Him and in return, He will honor us.  At the same time, we are shown in the Bible how we are to honor others and how we will be honored in return.

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When Satan Messes with You

As unpopular as it is to say, Satan is the ruler in this current age. He never ceases to find our weaknesses and exploit them so that we turn away from God. How can we tell when Satan is attacking us and what can we do to overcome his influence, taunts, and temptations?

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You’re Better Than That!

Sometimes we meet with disapproval by our actions when we make mistakes we shouldn’t have made. In fact, the Word of God challenges us to become better. Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear God’s correction?

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The Realm of God

There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land! This is God’s powerful indictment against people and nations in our time. How does that condemnation apply to each of us individually, and do we realize that the realm of God, His mighty Kingdom, will soon establish dominion over all the earth?

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Much Will Be Required

It is a tremendous privilege to be called out of this world to understand the Truth of God. With such a privilege, it is our responsibility to use it!

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Remember the Frog

The analogy of the frog in boiling water is reviewed in connection with the true Christian who has to be very careful about deception that can happen slowly and gradually and can lead to unintended consequences if we’re not very careful.

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Biden’s Ministry of Truth and Consequences of the Ukraine War—Comments on News and Prophecy, May 14, 2022

In this program, we speak on the formation of the new “Disinformation Governance Board”, warning of the dangers of such a body and of the people involved who are being accused of having a history of spreading lies and misinformation… which, according to some, can also be said, allegedly, of the US government itself over many years. It is contended that the formation of the new body manifests the ever-growing move towards total dictatorship within the USA. We also speak on the consequences of the war in Ukraine for the USA and for the entire world—including the depletion of America’s weapons and famine for many countries.
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A Broken Spirit

The Bible tells us that a broken spirit is a sacrifice to God. On the face of it, a broken spirit sounds like something that is a source of discouragement. This might seem contradictory to the faithful, positive attitude that Christians are also instructed to develop. What does it actually mean to have a broken spirit?

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Two Mountains—Only One Choice

When we do not trust in God and His promise for us, we fail to obey Him. The Israelites were brought to the edge of the promised land, yet still failed to trust in God—despite ample examples of God’s love and mercy for His Chosen. Unbelief can be our undoing and lead us into sin. This Split Sermon will cover scriptures that bring to light the choice God places in front of us, and how we can grow stronger in our faith.

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