Settling for Mediocrity

Where in our lives do we just settle for what ever is easiest? Where do we need to look for change? Does the Bible say anything about just doing the least to get by?

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The Fall of Jerusalem

The book of Lamentations describes in vivid and shocking detail the fall of ancient and modern Jerusalem and shows why it did and will happen. Further, Jeremiah’s prophecy and his alarming warnings are by no means limited to the city of Jerusalem.

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Conquer With God’s Holy Spirit

We receive God’s Holy Spirit at baptism. But this Spirit is supposed to grow within us as we become stronger in God’s Faith. How is this accomplished? Is it really that important to do so? What happens when we grow in the use of the Holy Spirit within our lives?

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Reunions (Given in Germany)

On the Last Great Day, we learn about what will happen in the Great White Throne Judgment.   After 1,000 years of living without Satan’s ugly and evil influence, conditions will have increased way beyond anything that mankind could have expected. Although Satan will be released, it will only be for a short time before he and his demons are removed forever, and this message shows that there will be billions, maybe trillions, of reunions in the Kingdom of God, as everyone will have multiple reunions with so many different people.

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Right Now!

We have learned a lot from the past and we know what the future holds.  But what do we need to do right now so we can be prepared for what is coming?

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Eternal Judgement

The concept of eternal judgment is a fundamental biblical doctrine. It is so important because it applies to all men. Everyone, including true Christians, will be judged after they die. But when exactly will that judgment take place; who will judge; and what is meant with “eternal” judgment or the “day of judgment”?

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Finding Courage in Crisis

Most of us believe or hope that if confronted with the choice of good and evil, we will choose to be on God’s side. There are times in life, and especially during times of stress, threat, and crisis, that the choice may not be about us—but about those we care about or have responsibility for. There might also be the temptation to compromise. The Bible shows us how to have courage to do what is required to follow God.

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Lessons from fhe Book of Jonah

Why is the book of Jonah placed in the middle of the minor prophets? Does it have any prophetic relevance for us today? Why did Jonah try to get away from the “presence of the Lord”? Was Jonah really swallowed up by a big fish? In what way did this incident mirror Christ’s death and burial? Why did Jonah hope that Nineveh would still be destroyed? Does the Church of God have a commission today regarding modern Assyria?

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Fear of the Lord

What does it mean to have fear of God? How does this work in our lives? How do fear and love work in a Christian context?

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