
This sermon looks at several aspects of our lives and relationships to encourage us to appreciate our calling and our relationship with one another and with God.

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Keep it Simple

The complexity of life and sabotage from Satan threaten to distract us from the focus we need to maintain our relationship with God. But His instructions for us are simple. We are to follow His commandments, turn from sin, and have faith in the salvation of Christ if we want to inherit the Kingdom of God. We can rely on the simplicity of Christ to guide us through our lives so that we succeed in the end.

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Where Shall We Dwell

King David asked God in the Psalms where he should dwell. The answer is quite eye-opening in terms of how we are to live as Christians. With this true knowledge, we can live closely with God. 

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Forgiveness—FROM THE HEART!

This sermon is about our responsibility and power to forgive, showing that we must forgive from the heart—just as God does.

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The Intoxication of Power, Position and Authority

We may not have much power now, but in the future as a member of the God family we will have more power than we can ever realise at this time.   It’s the power in the Kingdom of God that we should be eagerly looking forward to, not the selfish, self-serving power that seems to be a high priority with so many today

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How To Use the Power of God

Do we understand what the power of God is? And if we do understand that, do we understand how to use this power? Does God tell us that we will be able to use it?

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All Nations

In this present age the nations of the world are not at peace. Conflicts, wars, and espionage exist between many nations instead. But after the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God, peace will prevail among nations, who will come together to worship the true God.

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No More Distance

In 1985, Julie Gold wrote and composed the song “From a distance” that became sadly famous six years later, when the second Gulf War took place.
The lyrics of this song will be used in this sermonette as a starting point to describe the conditions in the world today with their cause; and will also refer to how it will be, when Jesus Christ will have established the kingdom of God here on earth.

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Are You Really Blessed?

How are those whom God has called more blessed than anyone else in the world, especially more so than those who live by wealth and power? What can we learn from the life of Abraham, who endured many trials and received many blessings in return?

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