Do You Dwell With God or With Satan?

Either we live in the house or temple of God, as his household, or we live in the world’s house of bondage and slavery, ruled by Satan. We have been brought out of slavery and bondage by our master, Jesus Christ, to dwell in God’s house, but some leave God’s house and return to Satan’s house. The house of the world, built on sand, will fall, and its fall will be great. However, Christ’s house, built on the rock, will endure forever, and we will remain as pillars in the house of the Lord, never going out.

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Trump’s Guilty Verdict—More to Come?—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 1, 2024

The “kangaroo-court” conviction of Trump in New York might lead to further incredible developments, when Judge Merchan will sentence Trump, beginning on July 11. Will Merchan send Trump to prison? Biden’s response to the verdict sounds hypocritical; and turning to other news, Biden’s allegation that Hamas is now unable to carry out another October 7th attack is incredibly naive. Focusing on Germany,. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has made his true intentions known, and they are not good.

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When the Time of Adversity Dawns

God says in many passages in the Bible that terrible times of trouble will come in the end times in which we find ourselves today. Christ warns the whole world of great famines and diseases, but also of various wars in many parts of the world. What feelings do these statements trigger in us? What do humanity and the people of God have to fear? What can we use as a guide? And is there a provision formula for all these problems that are rolling towards the whole of humanity like an avalanche? There is a lot of hope for true Christians, but the time of trouble will still be unstoppable. So what can we do?

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Do We Know How to Pray?

The disciples asked Christ: “Teach us to pray.” Christ gave them then, and He gives us today a guide. Do we know it? Do we know how to pray properly?

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The Show Must Go On

Regardless of any setback, either individually or regarding  the church, we have to set our minds towards completing the task of finishing the work and continuing to grow in grace and knowledge.

This sermon looks at the tools provided by God to achieve that.

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Elections Ahead!

It can be tempting when there is an important issue to say that we would like to cast a vote in favour of a very important principle or issue.   But it is a temptation that we must totally resist. This message gives many reasons why we, as true Christians, simply cannot vote or support political parties.

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Stay Consistent!

We know the 10 Commandments and we know what God commands us to do. But are we consistent in DOING them? It takes effort to stay consistent for Christ also says that we are blessed if we DO them.

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Why Will Many Church Members Not Be Protected at the Place of Safety?

We read in the book of Revelation that during the Great Tribulation, some Church members will receive God’s protection from Satan’s persecution in a place of safety, while other Church members will not receive such protection. How can this be when these Church members “keep the commandments of God” and “have the testimony of Jesus Christ”?

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Clean and Unclean Foods

God expects us to be holy as He is holy. Being holy involves us living by His laws and statutes, and included in them are His laws on clean and unclean animals. Obeying these laws, including His dietary laws, helps us to be His special treasure.

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Showing the Greatest Love

Christ gives us many examples throughout the New Testament that shows us how important our relationship with God is. Second to this relationship is our relationship with our fellow people and Christians. What does the Bible tell us in regards to how we are to grow in understanding and how to have the best relationships possible?

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