Why do Christians Observe the Feast of Trumpets?

Those whom God calls are tested as to whether or not they will actually obey God in all things. Observing the Sabbath Day is often the first real challenge, but all of the “feasts of the LORD” are to be observed, and that is true for the Feast of Trumpets as well.

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Setbacks, disappointments, loss, failures – all of these things can be the cause of discouragement, which left unchecked, will disintegrate hope. What does it take to be resilient enough to bounce back when we face struggles? What are the promises from God that we can count on?

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Startling events for which few are prepared, are happening at an ever increasing pace, and more is in store! It will take the return of Jesus Christ for peace to be established on the earth.

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Satan Rules the Entire World!—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 28, 2021

Do we really understand that all of today’s human political leaders and nations are being held captive by Satan? From the terrible events in Afghanistan to worldwide coronavirus restrictions, we in God’s Church should be able to see a common denominator. At this point, the Western world is plagued with weak and incompetent leadership. But this will change soon when Satan will bring a man to power whom the Bible calls the beast, and who will establish a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. Satan is preparing mankind for this event, but most are too blind and don’t see what is happening. At the same time, Satan is attacking God’s people by trying to persuade them that they do not have to keep His Holy Days and personally attend God’s Feast sites.

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This sermon shows the importance of not letting down in prayer during the busy summer months and it points out how to have an effective prayer.

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Water of Eternal Life

Water has been an enduring substance created by God to sustain life. It has also been symbolic of God’s promise to us if we follow and obey Him. In this Sermonette we will delve into several scriptures that illustrate that without God’s living waters we are merely dust, with no prospect of the eternal life that can only be obtained through our faith and obedience in Him and His Son.
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Immutability describes a state of being that does not change. Things that are immutable remain in the same condition from their beginning to their end. While few things in life are truly immutable, the promise of God is different. What is the immutable promise of God that we can rely on, unconditionally?

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What Does a Christian Do?

Early Christians were admonished to “contend earnestly for the faith” because true Christianity was under assault. That warning rings just as true today! Are you among those who are striving to keep the faith—just as the Bible reveals?

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Birds of the Bible

There are many different birds mentioned in the Bible and certain birds are particularly referred to for specific and symbolic purposes. What can we learn from their significance in the way the Bible uses them?

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