Bible Study—Should Christians Fight in War?

Who is the author of war? Will there be war in the Millennium? Why are we called to be peacemakers today? Is there ever a need to fight in war? Why did Jesus ask His disciples to buy swords? Why did Israel fight in war? Why was David not allowed to build a temple? And why was God angry with him when he numbered his army?

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Ultimate Commitment

There are two important decisions that one makes in their life that show commitment. They both correlate with each other and to help us better become perfect, so we can ultimately be in God’s Kingdom, we also must apply the 3 character traits described in 1 Corinthians 13.  
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The Great Reversal

We are living in a time where good is evil and evil is good! Is there hope that things will get better?  Is there a time in the future where the Great Reversal will occur? The Word of God reveals the answer!

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Civil Courage

Civil courage or the courage of one’s conviction can be described as the courage to speak up and act for one’s position. Even though the term “civil courage” is not used in the Holy Scriptures, there are many biblical examples of people who boldly and strongly stood up for their convictions and for others in need, even if that included the possibility of suffering and persecution.

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God created rainbows for a specific reason. What do rainbows signify, and how are they depicted in the Bible?

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This message speaks on the importance of remaining focused on our commission and individual responsibilities and not getting off track.

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With God, There Is No Changing

Gods nature never changes. Everything He says lasts and endures! What does this mean for us as Christians? What confidence can we place in this?

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What is the Feast of Tabernacles?

Far from being a “Jewish” festival relegated to practices found in the Old Testament, the Feast of Tabernacles is the memorial of what God has done and what He will do to bring salvation to mankind in His Kingdom.

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Being Generous Towards God

We know that God does not require our money, nor anything of this earth that we possess. What God commands of us is obedience from those He has drawn. In this message, we will review a few scriptures that help us to understand that our gifts to God must come from the heart, and from a spirit of generosity and appreciation for all He has done, and continues to do for us.

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Opening Night: We Should Rejoice (Given in Germany)

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time to recharge our spiritual batteries and that must surely be helped when we are surrounded by those of like mind.   It’s a time to be together, to be taught, to fellowship and to rejoice.   With the knowledge and understanding we have been given, we are blessed above all people and should rejoice constantly.

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