His Marvelous Light

We have been called out of darkness to be the light of the world. We who are Christians are to be living in the marvelous light of God—how are we doing?

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Why We Don’t Stop

Christianity is not a destination but a process of improvement. We were called by God in a broken state, and through His Holy Spirit, we can achieve a life of success. But is this eye-opening understanding something that we relish or just endure? True success, which is entrance into the Family of God, requires a persevering and joyous heart.

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Before the Temple is Built

What will be happening before the Temple described in Ezekiel is built? Are the current preparations by Jews in the State of Israel to build a Temple of God on the Temple Mount of any significance—and are they actually in line with biblical prophecy? Prior endeavors by Israel in constructing the Tabernacle and subsequent Temples provide keys for what we can expect today.
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A Small Amount Matters

Many have based their eternal rewards on misconceptions and on achieving salvation with only minimal effort. But the bible is clear, and Christ as well, that this is a dangerous misconception that can lead many to destruction. Each of us must overcome our carnality with an habitual change of heart.

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What? The Mark of the Beast Does Not Already Exist?

An idea has been advanced that the biblical mark of the beast does not exist at this time, and it is not explained as what the mark of the beast is. The truth is that the mark of the beast has been in existence for a long time, as we have taught for many years, and the Bible tells us very clearly what the mark of the beast is, and how it is different from the sign with which God identifies His people.

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How Are You?

How often do we ask this question, and how often are we asked it? In terms of a Christian, how often do we really ask our fellow brethren and truly seek to understand exactly how somebody is doing or feeling? We are to be loving each other. How do we do this?

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You Will Be Tested

Many of God’s servants and biblical characters in the bible were tested by trials and tests from God . Some were successful through the trials and some failed. The key is the ones who were successful were faithful and so should we be when we face trials and tests which we know are coming in the near future.
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Germany’s Past Resurrected?—Comments on News and Prophecy, January 23, 2021

Developments in Germany are frightening and deeply disturbing, including the creation of detention centers for those who ignore lockdown measurers. The comparison with Nazi Germany’s concentration camps has been drawn. And while total lockdowns have been instituted in Germany, which many find to be unconstitutional, Merkel’s successor as Party Chief has been elected—Armin Laschet. Here is what you ought to know about him and others who are supporting him for now.

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Ready for What’s Coming

The Bible predicts what’s coming in our near future. It has predicted with great accuracy events in the past!  With this in mind, how ready are each of us? Mentally – Spiritually? We have a little time left. NOW is the time to prepare.  Now is the time to do the little daily things to make sure we are ready for the times ahead of Christ’s return.
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Suffer for Salvation

It is expected that we all go through trials which may also include sicknesses in various forms.  What is the purpose of these sufferings and what can we learn from the examples of individuals who went through sicknesses?

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