Beyond a Doubt

Doubt is a word that we use in our everyday lives—perhaps even overuse. There are so many examples of how we express doubt in our lives, and it can creep into our relationship with God the Father and with Jesus Christ. In this Split Sermon, we will discuss the insidious nature of doubt and explore scriptures that can offer a pathway to strengthen our bond with Jesus and our obedience to God’s Commandments. Doubt can be like a poison in many ways, and faith and confidence in Jesus Christ arethe antidote.
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The Better Way

The world tells us that the right way to live adheres to a moral standard founded in little more than what feels right. The end result is a self-indulgent model of ethics focused on glorifying man rather than God. The Bible tells us that there is a better way of living that leads us to a truly positive and fulfilling life.

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God of Heaven

How do you even begin to know God? Who is God? Where is God from and where is God right now? God is revealed in the Bible—are you among the very few who understand?
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God’s Hands

The Bible tells us that “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). But it is also a tremendous opportunity if we have the faith to take advantage of it.

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The Future is Forever

There is a tendency for all of us to view our lives in the context of this world and this lifetime. But our vision must be much greater than that! We must also live our lives with a view of our future and the promise of eternal life in the Kingdom of God!
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Overcoming—It’s For Life!

Do you want to live forever, inherit all things and become part of the Family of God? Only those who overcome will do so! Is that what you are doing with your life right now?

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What Happened Historically During the Days of Unleavened Bread?

In this sermon, we will discuss historical events which took place during the Days of Unleavened Bread. These occurrences do not only have literal meaning, but they also have symbolic relevance for us. The godly injunctions and admonitions are surely important for us today.

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How Deep?

We do heavy spring cleaning before the Days of Unleavened Bread! How do we transition this from being just about a physical activity to being a spiritual one? How can we use the days we have been through to be cleaner as we move forward?
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Discerning Salvation

Each of us face a variety of decisions every day—of course some are more critical than others. Occasionally we may be confronted with choices that challenge us to the core of our humanity. To those that God has called He has an expectation that we will use the blessings and skills that He has imbued us with. This is the ability to discern the correct choices and pathway that is in keeping with God’s commandments. During this Passover observance and the Feast of Unleavened Bread we reinforced our understanding that in taking part in the Passover observance we are to first discern the body of Christ. We are to be aware of His life and that He died so that we could gain access to the Kingdom and the blessing of eternal life with Jesus and the Father. Discernment is a blessing from God and in this Sermonette on the Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread we shall together explore the scriptures that will help us to better understand this blessing and the purpose in our lives.
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Remain Clean

The Days of Unleavened Bread symbolizes keeping sin out of lives from both a physical and a spiritual standpoint by not partaking in anything leavened during these 7 days. But what about after the 7 days are over?  How are we to remain clean spiritually at all times, and what help do we have?

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