We are presented with two options for freedom in life. One is through personal determination and the other is by submitting to a higher power. How we perceive true freedom has life changing consequences leading to destruction or to an eternity in God’s family.
FOT: Giants of the Bible
FOT: Relentless Sins
We all sin for we are not perfect. What about recurring sins? What can we do to conquer them? The Bible gives us valuable advice, including examples of those who struggled with this very issue and how they overcame.
FOT: Death Is Certain!
It is decreed for man once to die. But is this true for everybody? What happens after death? What is the truth regarding the soul and the spirit in man?
FOT: Nature’s Objective is God’s Will
The objective of nature is to reveal God’s plan and our part in it. We must observe what we are surrounded by with the knowledge that the character of God can be seen in all that He has created.
FOT: Nations during the Millennium
FOT: How Language Forms Life
Our words and thoughts have a huge impact on how we create our environment. The words we choose influence others. God the Father and Jesus Christ choose their words in the wisest way possibly, so they could heal the world again. Do we also choose words to heal ourselves and others?
FOT: The Joy of the Feast
There are several reasons why the command to keep the Feast of Tabernacles is so important and why there is so much positivity associated with it.
FOT: The Bride
FOT: Let us make the most of this Feast
This Feast can fill us full of hope and optimism as we have a marvellous future to look forward to with none of the hopelessness that so many in the world can suffer from. A vision of the coming Kingdom of God is such an exciting prospect! Let us have an attitude of thanksgiving to the great God for this marvellous opportunity. And let us all make the most of this Feast!