What Counsel Do We Live By?

It isn’t enough in God’s eyes that we simply rely on our own intuitions as a means of drawing closer to Him.  Self-will and self-determination alienate us from the Father.  Through the hierarchy of the Church, as initiated and led by Christ, we have a bridge to grow in the knowledge of God the Father.

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“We know!” but do we… really?

In his first letter, John rejects the false teaching of Gnosticism.  Even today, God’s Church must fight against the spirit of antichrist. Converted Christians know the Truth, while growing more and more in right knowledge and understanding.

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The Falling Away IS HERE—Comments on News and Prophecy (August 29, 2020)

Looking at the ongoing fulfillment of biblical prophecy right now,  the question becomes more and more critical for you as to whether you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles at the place where God has chosen to “put His name.” And, whether you will keep it in the way which God has prescribed and ordered by God. If you are not, or if you compromise in any way, maybe because of fear, you are in danger of departing from the Truth and the living God—slowly perhaps, but surely.

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Internal Healing

We need to be healed internally as well as physically. This might require repenting and drawing closer to God by using the tools available to us. Especially asking for help is very important.

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Lockdowns and Governmental Restrictions—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 22, 2020

While governmental restrictions are being imposed on American citizens, thereby causing economic hardship and ruin for many businesses and people, medical experts and governors kept enjoying their monthly paychecks.  But how dangerous is the pandemic? One professional magician claims that it is all an illusion. How is that “new reality” affecting your life and your personal choices? And how does it affect the Church of God and important decisions as they relate to Church services?

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Faith That Saves

Faith all by itself without any action isn’t enough to be saved. What do we need to do in order for us to be truly saved from death? How can we learn from the examples in the Bible what it means to put our complete trust in God?

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You Must be Very Proud!

In this Sermonette we will explore together what the Bible tells us in terms of a correct, Godly way to find satisfaction in serving and doing our best—without becoming proud, haughty and superior, which can ultimately cause us to succumb to evil influences and sinfulness.
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What is True Worship?

Does God accept your worship, or are you worshipping God in vain? Is the mere act of worship enough? What does the Bible reveal about worship—especially the true worship of God?
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In the Service of Jesus Christ

Do you have what it takes to be in the service of Jesus Christ? How personally do you take this commission? Is it something that leads and draws your entire focus and mindset day in and out? How can we each make sure that we are consistently being the type of Christians that Christ wants and needs? The answers and actions taken will have serious consequences!
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America’s departure and Germany’s future—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 8, 2020

The decision to remove some 12,000 troops out of Germany is a “sign—not a good—one of what lies ahead.” Almost half of Germans welcome the withdrawal of US troops, showing that the relationship between Germany and the USA has never been that good… but it is getting worse. At the same time, what will happen to Germany when, as prophesied, it is being attacked with nuclear weapons, and could China, Russia and Iran play a decisive role in that regard?

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