Do Your Best

Why is it important for us as Christians to do our best at whatever we choose to do? What can we do to dedicate ourselves in our lives?
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Both Feet In

Since our calling to the truth, we have had a foot in the door.  To bring our other foot in was our choice to get baptized and to live God’s way of life.  Even though we still go through struggles, what do we need to do to keep both feet in, and what does God promise to all who remain faithful until the end?

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The Destruction of Germany

In the Old Testament book of Nahum, the destruction of the ancient city of Nineveh—capital of the Assyrian Empire—is described in vivid detail. But the prophet Nahum is foremost speaking about the coming destruction of modern Germany. The specific description of Germany’s fate is sobering. At the same time, it reveals much about God’s character.

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Success with the Right Tools

Mankind has been duped into believing that following ALL of God’s Laws is burdensome. But you cannot find success in following God if you aren’t willing to use ALL of the Laws He has provided us to know Him.  We can only be transformed into children of God if our every action and thought is a reflection of His commandments.

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HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!

The Book of Hebrews offers us a sweeping view of God’s salvation for us—for the firstfruits. The greatness of our calling at this time and the dire consequences if we fall away are messages by which we are now being judged. Will we hear what God is saying?

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The Yoke of Sainthood

When we stepped out from our watery grave, a yoke of obedience to God was placed upon our shoulders.  Submission to God’s laws appear easier when life is full of blessings and peace abounds. But we weren’t called out from the world for idle pursuits. Instead, we have been chosen to fight for truth because Godliness draws the attention from this world’s king. We must be preparing today as chaos grows deeper all around us.
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The Language of Violence

With protests and anger dominating the news, we see escalating emotions, rhetoric, and violent action taking place around us. It seems that the only way that people can be heard in the world requires this kind of confrontation. Is there a better way? There is, and God commands it.

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Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020

Angela Merkel refused to join the G7, to be hosted by Donald Trump at the end of June, who reacted with anger and postponed the entire summit until this fall. Germany sided with the protests in the USA against police brutality and racial discrimination and openly declared that they are done with Trump. In response, Trump announced that he will withdraw about 9,500 American troops from Germany, causing a sharp rebuke from German governmental officials. Germany also announced that while they will be allowing Europeans to travel freely throughout Europe by June 15, this will not include Americans. Where will this continuing alienation and hostility lead?

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The Tools of God

It is important to have the proper tools when you are working in order to be able to create or to build anything worthwhile. In all areas of life, we find that those who wield tools properly help to build up and support others in what they do. Having tools is one thing, but knowing how to use them skillfully is another. As Christians, what tools are at our disposal? And how do we use them effectively and powerfully to accomplish the Work of God, for which we have been called?

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The Greatest Gift

God gives us amazing gifts constantly. How do we respond in turn? Our offerings are important to God as He has command them. But what is our attitude? Is God pleased with our offerings based on our actions in how we live our lives?

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