We are surrounded by a culture that cannot find truth. The deception of Satan is so complete that his lies are the only truth many understand. We must stay clear of any worldly persuasions that lead us, not to truth, but into deceit that blinds the world of God’s truth.
The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Why did Jesus Christ die and shed His blood for us? Was there no other way to carry out God’s Plan? What did His death accomplish for us? Since when was it established that Christ would give His life for us? Are we truly thankful for His priceless Sacrifice, and do we show our thankfulness in our daily lives?
Who To Trust?
We have to be careful where we put our trust. The Bible gives us many examples where we should not put our complete trust and confidence. In contrast, we should always put our complete trust in our creator – God the Father, no matter what situation we find ourselves in.
Father and Mother
Parents hold an awesome responsibility in forming the ultimate Family of God. When God created mankind, He made them male and female for the purpose of populating the earth. In fact, God created man, male and female, to fulfill the roles of father and mother—positions of great honor in the plan of God!
Leaving So Soon?
We know that in the end times, many will fall away from their faith, and people will hate and betray one another. If any of us needed affirmation of this, COVID-19 has provided a simple introduction to the emptiness of relying solely on mankind to bring us through a crisis. We have witnessed many so quickly buying into mass hysteria, and seeking authority to turn one-another in for not complying with a political solution. God imbued in us the ability to choose and discern what is good and that which is not Godly. This Sermonette will offer the scriptural support that we need during this time, and in the trials to come. We can choose to turn to God with confidence and obedience, rather than path that leads to something far more terminal than any virus.
Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy (April 18, 2020)
What is happening in Germany right now—under the disguise of protecting the public from the coronavirus—should shake everybody up. Horrible methods are being used to silence dissenters, while restrictive measures remain in force which is clearly violating the German Constitution. But some are waking up, especially when it comes to the disproportionate prohibitions of religious services and assemblies.
Dangerous Prayers
Are we willing to pray dangerous prayers? What constitutes dangerous prayers? What we pray about has serious consequences for our spiritual life and our eventual outcomes. How well do we know God?
Do We Only Dimly See Love?
The Appointed Time
The Holy Days have been given to the Church of God. By keeping them, we also are able to understand their timing in revealing God’s master plan for salvation.
A Proper Vessel to God
God considers the people He calls to be vessels. What type of vessels we are, depends on the effort and the care which we take to remain in close contact with God. How do we view ourselves in light of the times we are living in and the jobs which God has given us?