FOT: Ruling

We are looking at the aspects and requirements to rule under Christ in the millennium.

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FOT: We Reap What We Sow

How many times how we seen people, quite obviously guilty, get away with the crime they’ve committed? Often through a street-wise, highly paid lawyer or through a legal loophole that’s been exploited. They got away with it.  Or did they?   This brief message looks at this question.

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Ruling with Christ–How and Why? (Feast of Tabernacles 2019)

How can we be sure that we will be in the Kingdom of God and rule with and under Christ? How could God be so sure that David or Abraham would make it into the Kingdom? Why was God totally convinced and knew that Christ would never sin, when He was here on earth as a human being? How does God know what will happen in the future? And why should we look forward to our rule over others in the Kingdom? What are some of God’s promises for us and others?

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FOT: There Will Be No End!

The Bible speaks of an unending future being offered to humanity. It is through keeping the Holy Days of God that we can understand His great master plan of salvation—eternal life in the Kingdom of God!

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FOT: Lack and Limitation

Often times throughout our Christian life we can run into situations which stop us from growing or moving forward.  When we encounter these situations we need to understand that there is a way out and a way forward.  When we are not growing we are limiting how God can work in our lives. We need to continually remember that it is through our own lack and limitations that God either works in and through us, or He cant. The choice is entirely ours.

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FOT: God’s Future Government on Earth, Part 1

This first sermon of three, briefly reviews what we have in the world today, and takes a look at how the world will look after Jesus Christ’s return to this earth. This covers seven changes.

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Why Fasting?

God commands that we fast—specifically on the Day of Atonement. Jesus said that His disciples would fast. There are vitally important reasons for us to so.

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What are we Sharing?

We have been commanded to appear before God. Most importantly, to appear in the right frame of mind. Do we feel Awe in having this understanding bestowed upon us by God? If that is our attitude when we come before God, then we will be pleasing to Him.

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New Appalling Immigration Proclamation and Scandalous Jury Duty Judgment–News and Prophecy, October 5, 2019

Late Friday on October 4, in the darkness and under the cover of night, the White House issued a new proclamation which would deny visas to thousands, if not millions of spouses, parents and siblings of US CITIZENS. This appalling rule would be in line with President Trump’s ultimate goal to deny immigration to anyone but to the rich, the wealthy and the highly educated. Also, in a ridiculous judgment, a Florida Judge sentenced a 21-year old young man to 10 days in jail and issued other penalties for not showing up for jury duty.

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Our Unrighteous World–Our Religions

We have a hotchpotch of different religions and religious beliefs which are divided and estranged, but all of them proclaim that they show us the way toward salvation and eternal life. Is this really the case? What is their origin, and what does the only one and true God tell us about the only way to salvation?

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