What Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return?

The building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is about to begin. Some claim that there will be no physical Temple, and that biblical references to the Temple strictly refer to the Church of God. This sermon will show from the Bible why this opinion is incorrect. We will also show who will be involved in the building of the Third Temple, and what will happen when the Temple has been erected.

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Precious Knowledge

How are we supposed to use the precious knowledge that God has given to us? And how are we not supposed to use it?

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Going Blind

Becoming blind is a physical problem. But when we become blind Spiritually we run into even bigger problems. How can we either fix our blindness or avoid it altogether?

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China’s Killer Coronavirus – Comments on News and Prophecy (January 25, 2020)

The Chinese virus has spread from unclean animals to humans, and has reached by now Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Saudi Arabia, USA, and France. Experts say that Britain is on the brink of an epidemic. Over 56 million Chinese are on lockdown. No vaccine exists at the moment. An ominous warning 3 months ago predicts the death of 60 million people.

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Two Popes Fighting Each Other–Comments on News and Prophecy (January 18, 2020)

If you are tempted to give up because of your problems, don’t! Yes, the world is getting darker, with unparalleled worldwide debt; unusual volcano and earthquake activities; Europe’s stance against Trump; the Middle East in turmoil; loss of moral values, even in Israel; and two popes fighting each other. But all of this only shows how close we are to the return of Jesus Christ.

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The Test Commandment

This sermon discusses the importance of understanding and of keeping the Sabbath which has been described as the Test Commandment. We will address the Sabbath’s origins, its endurance through times past, at this present time, and its meaning and importance in the future.

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The Work We Do

We work for God. Our job title is servant, and the work we are to accomplish is our part in the work God is doing.

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The Keystone of the Kingdom

Over the centuries societies have taken great pride in the structures that their ancestors built and that they themselves build today. In some places construction includes buildings and large developments that cannot sustain themselves without elaborate and costly water, sewer and other necessary infrastructure that will soon be obsolete. There are also groups that seemingly dedicate their construction—the stones, bricks and mortar with rituals and rites that can strike anyone as odd. This is true of even large public projects right here in my home state of Colorado. Rather than focusing on finding ways to serve and honor God the Father, mankind has discovered more ways to establish and honor their own legacies. The community that we as believers await and work towards  is of course the coming Kingdom of God—The New Jerusalem, and the Keystone for the Kingdom is of course Jesus Christ. In this Sermonette we will explore scriptures that offer the clarity and the bedrock that our future will be built upon.
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The Bad News And The Good News

Our mortal nature is inherently flawed, making it impossible to live a life in perfect obedience to God. That’s the bad news. The good news is that God believes in us anyway. He is there to help us successfully overcome our imperfections so we can enjoy life eternally with Him as members of His Family.

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Prepared for Evil

Committing ourselves to God and not to ourselves was the example Christ left for us and is a key in enabling the Spirit within us to grow and thrive. The permanence of achieving God’s praise and sharing in and being part of His Family must be the focus and ground we stand upon. Ground that we never back down from.

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