Fruit has many advantages and benefits to our health and there are many different varieties of fruit with their own unique qualities. There are vital steps necessary for their growth which ultimately make them desirable. In the same respect, how can we apply these steps in our spiritual lives which are essential for our eternal salvation?
Becoming Bold
Boldness is a Christian attitude that is talked about as being something we need to use. We have to make sure that our actions are correct and that our boldness comes from Christ.
Why Do Righteous People Suffer?
The main purpose of this sermon is not to explain that suffering can be the consequence of sin. Rather, it will be shown that and why righteous people must suffer… independently from sinful conduct. This might sound as a paradox at first sight, but it is not. Instead, we hope that this sermon will give you much encouragement and motivation.
How Much Fear and Worry Can We Endure?
Christ says in Mark 13:9 and 12: “but watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them… Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.“
Are there really big problems? Do we have fears to overcome? What can you do about it? Christ actually gives us the all-important answer.
Walk in the Light
The world that we inhabit today seems to glorify darkness and celebrates things that are inherently evil as being attractive. This may be so in the carnal sense, and it is fleeting and will ultimately lead to spiritual death. As such, these choices cannot stand the light that is found only in Jesus Christ. It has been said that darkness cannot drive away darkness—only the light can do this and for those who have been called to follow and obey God, we can walk in the light of Jesus Christ. Together we will consider several scriptures that can help us to do just that–to honor, obey and glorify God, and walk in His light.
The Times and the Seasons
The warnings have been given! Yet, almost no one will be ready–will you? Are you among those very few who understand and believe what is revealed in the Bible?
Preparing for Kingship
We were created to become part of God’s Family. The world denies this fundamental truth, even among professing Christianity. Our individual role as part of God’s great plan is to prepare ourselves to become part of the Family of God.
No Other Gods
The first commandment forms the foundation upon which all godly obedience stands. How long has it been in effect?
Do You Believe in the True Jesus?
Christ told you: “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” What did He mean by that? What is it exactly that you have to believe, and what kind of faith is required? What are the most important descriptions, specifications and characteristics of Jesus, in which you have to believe, in order to inherit eternal life?