Paul’s Final Instructions

The epistles written to Timothy and Titus at the end of Paul’s life serve as a hands-on instruction in Christianity.  These three books, often referred to as the “Pastoral Epistles”, expressed the love and care Paul had for the church, even as his life waned.  Their practical approach can serve us today as we each walk that narrow path towards salvation.

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The Truth Is What Matters

The trouble with being human is that we are naturally affected by a barrage of information that so easily distracts us from making good, godly judgment in life. What can we do to filter out the noise, and tune into the signal of the Truth of God?

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Waiting for the Kingdom of God

What does it mean to wait for the Kingdom of God, and how should we apply that as Christians—both now and regarding the future?
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Our Compulsion for Outrage

The Church is susceptible to outrage just as the world is. A key to fight this attitude has been given to us through God’s spirit and the understanding of who our adversary is.  Without God’s Spirit guiding us we are blind and easily drawn away from our goal of redemption.

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Finding the Place of Safety

Will God protect you in the times of trouble which the Bible describes as the end of this age? Will you be counted worthy? What should you be doing in preparation?

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Ready At ALL Times!

How are we supposed to prepare at all times? How are we to live our days and how important is prayer?  What should we pray for? Are we ready if Christ were to come back tomorrow?  Are we worthy enough? Is God our first priority and can we trust Him to take care of ANY situation that we are faced with? Do we truly understand how important God is in our lives and if we shut Him out, what would the consequences be?

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Resist the Devil!

Satan rules mankind, but most don’t know about it. And very few understand that Satan’s great wrath and his desire to destroy are directed foremost against God’s people–the true followers of Jesus Christ. We must be aware of the temptations, deceptions and wiles of the devil and of his human instruments, so that we can withstand, conquer and defeat them with God’s help.

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What God Has Done For Me

We are each called, specially and uniquely. We each are given amazing opportunities in this life. We are each forgiven of our sins, upon repentance and it is an incredible thing that we each should dwell upon. Where would we be without God’s mercy, His loving kindness, His great foresight and His master plan? Really the question ends up, what HASN’T God done for me?

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Can Biblical Fasting Really Help?

The Bible commands us to fast on occasion. But why? And how can we make sure that God accepts our fasting and that He does not reject it as useless? How can we distinguish between correct and wrong fasting? And what could be the result of proper fasting in our lives and the lives of others?

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Comments on News and Prophecy (October 13, 2018)

In this feature, we are commenting on the resurfacing of the frightening Nazi philosophy in our time; the coming worldwide economic crash; the explosive situation in the Middle East in light of Saudi Arabia’s atrocities; the devastation caused by hurricane Michael; America’s last President; the accelerating differences between the USA and the EU; Angela Merkel’s sinking ship; Germany’s highly controversial and dangerous far-right pro-military AfD party; the imposition of the mark of the beast on Christian values and conduct in Germany; abortions; the ongoing sex scandal within the Catholic Church; and the false teaching of the “prosperity gospel.”

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