The Holy Spirit is invisible to humans, but its actions and effects are plainly revealed. Having a relationship with the Father and with Jesus Christ is only possible when we have received the Holy Spirit—do you understand?
Trust in the Trials
Often when one faces a trial such as losing a job, the feeling of hopelessness can be overwhelming. Our bibles can offer a pathway forward through the word of God. David was a man of great faith yet he was still quite human and knew he needed to rely on God to deliver him from the many dangers and plots facing him in his day. Today we too face trials and challenges and the sooner we learn to turn to God, the more secure we will be. This life offers no promises, yet through our trials we can come closer to God—our Creator and our Father.
Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018)
In this new feature, we are commenting on our age of selfishness; the worst-case chaotic scenario of a “no deal Brexit”; the biblical prophecy of a third temple prior to Christ’s return and the ignorance of those who reject this truth; the reasons for Turkey’s fight with the USA; the future of Romania; military parades and the Millennium; Florida’s red tide; and the autocratic rule of the “dictator pope.” We also address the biblical reasons for ordinations.
Deception Before Defeat
The times we are living in now are very interesting in light of biblical prophecy. What is happening around the world, especially in this nation, should not be ignored, but rather should be a warning to us so that we do not fall into deception.
In the Presence of God
We all come before God in prayer. But do we ever take the time to think about what that really means? Are we cognizant when we are praying that we are actually coming before God’s throne? How should this affect us and our thinking? How important do we consider the time that we spend with God? What do we expect the outcomes to be?
A Few More Things About the Two Witnesses
Will the two witnesses help in preparing the spiritual temple for Christ’s return? What connection exists between the two witnesses and God’s angels? Why are the two witnesses clothed in sackcloth? Does the Bible tell us where they will operate prior to their death; where they will be killed; and how long they will be dead? Will they work alone, or may others support them? If so, who might those supporters be?
Against the Odds
It is a rare event to be called out of the world in this age to be a member of God’s family. Do we consider ourselves to be lucky to be called? Or is there something more than luck involved?
To Tear or Mend?
Solomon once stated “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.” He spoke of the dichotomy of life in very physical terms. This same undulating change is ever present in our spiritual lives, as well—because it is necessary for our spiritual growth.
Fight Deception!
If you have studied the New Testament, you know that things seemed to unravel in Christianity as the decades passed. Deception overwhelmed many. We face the same battle—just as Jesus warned! Knowing that even greater deception lies ahead, what are Christians supposed to do?
Caught in the Truth
It is easy to slide into worldly standards when it comes to the truth. It’s even easier to create your own truth and try to live by it. This is because Satan rules this world today. His influence has turned God’s Truth into a lie and many follow after his deception. We must be found always in the truth if we hope to please God.