Preparation and Consistency

We have to continually prepare in our lives, both in the physical and in the spiritual realms. Our preparation will determine our outcome in both. But it is not enough to just decide to prepare, we must have an outcome, a desire or a goal that we are fixated on and consistently driving towards. It is not enough to just casually want it. Rather it must become our purpose, our driving goal and desire, anything less does us and others around us a disservice.

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The Two Witnesses and Christ’s Return

Who are the two witnesses? When will they begin and when will they end their work of preaching the gospel and proclaiming the last warning message? What will happen during their activity? When will Christ return? Could our life have any influence on the time of His Second Coming, by either delaying or accelerating it?

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The Prophet Elijah in the Past, the Present and the Future, Part 2

Why did Elijah ask for fire from heaven to consume the soldiers of King Ahaziah? How are we to understand Elijah’s ascension to heaven? What connection exists between Elijah and John the Baptist? What is the explanation for Christ’s transfiguration on the mount when He spoke to Moses and Elijah who appeared in glory? Finally, what do biblical passages mean to tell us about the coming of Elijah just prior to Christ’s return?

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Truth or Legend?

How do we know that the Bible is true and that the many stories within this book are in fact the truth? Is there proof? Do we believe the Bible and how can we truly understand it?

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Great Leadership

Throughout the history recorded in the Bible, leaders emerge and come to power with a wide range of quality. Some leaders were bad, some were good, and a few were great. What are the attributes that make a great leader? What can we learn and apply in our own lives where we have a scope of leadership?

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Turbulence Along the Way

This Sermonette makes the point that true chaos as we humans experience it is well within God’s plan for his creation. What appears to be chaotic and discordant is actually quite ordered and precisely designed by God. We are not unlike a small creature living among the branches of a great tree with seemingly endless limbs, sub-branches, and intricate leaves—each with their own complex structure that God planned and designed. When we are converted and we trust and believe in God our Creator—all falls into place with His order.

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Is This the Time of the End?

We live in a period when things are about to change. In fact, they already are—IF we understand what to look for! By all indications, this is the time of the end spoken of in the Bible. It is the closing generation of Satan’s rule over mankind.

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Hungering for the Unknown

Man’s arrogance led him to build the tower in Babel, not to glorify God but to stand as a monument to man.  God commanded man to be prosperous and fill the earth, something quite opposite to what those in Babel were doing.  We must not fall into a similar trap, through arrogance, assuming our own desires and knowledge are sufficient to please God.

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The Prophet Elijah in the Past, the Present and the Future

Remarkable events occurred in the life of ancient Elijah, and they are written down for us today for our learning, admonition and example. There are those who believe that Elijah did not die, but that he is still alive today in heaven or someplace else, and that we will soon return to do a powerful Work, prior to Christ’s Second Coming. What does the Bible tell us about these ideas? How are we to understand that Elijah will come before the terrible Day of the Lord?

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Joy of Living Today

We are told as Christians that we need to be Joyful. In fact one of the fruits of the Spirit is Joy! But what does it mean to be joyful in a Christian way? How can we achieve in obtaining this crucial part of God’s Spirit? What does it take and what are the consequences for not obtaining it and then also for it dwelling in our lives?

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